The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “FBI Takes the Fifth on J6 Complicity

“Ted Cruz neglected to ask two more questions. First: ‘You stated that you couldn’t answer the question. Is that because you do not know, or because you are forbidden to answer?’ Second: ‘Referencing your testimony, are you willing to take a lie detector test regarding your answers?’ The answers to those two questions could be very enlightening.” —Missouri

“What good is our Senate if it can’t force agencies like the FBI to provide answers to its questions? If the Senate can’t get the answers, who can? And through what process? My personal opinion is our government is so corrupt from top to bottom that it will lead to insurrection of the masses if not changed immediately.” —Florida

Re: “McConnell Decimates Biden’s Unhinged ‘Voting Rights’ Deception

“As we suffer with Joe Biden’s autocratic America, we must sharpen our collective memories and compare him to previous presidents. Going back to the previous three, we have Trump, Obama, and Bush. During their years, we suffered some instability, some racism, some misguided and shamefully biased immigration proposals, and some poor foreign relations decisions. Bush was criticized as an idiot, Obama was either a saint or an Islamist, and Trump was an ogre. But in no comparable manner did we suffer from the divisiveness, willful disinformation, unabashed effrontery, and flagrant insubordination that Mr. Biden and his Deep State mongrels have give to us. Beside saving our freedom, for the sake of our moral compass, we need a sea change.” —Illinois

“Senator McConnell, thank you. I hope a lot of people actually see the importance of listening to each other and of articulating that America must lead with patience, understanding, and justice. Our country has all skin colors, religions, professions, and opinions. You should be commended for having the foresight to see the division across America, to understand we must work together to build a strong democracy. I hope all politicians read your very sincere and amazing speech and understand this very old but true statement: ‘Together we stand, divided we fall.’ The world is watching. America’s failed leadership is very sad not just for the U.S. but for the rest of the world.” —California

Re: “Biden’s ‘Operation Snail Speed

“Whether or not the Biden administration or Dr. Fauci knew the vaccines would fail to work, their collective failure was due to their myopic fixation with the vaccines. Trump didn’t help, but he unwittingly followed Fauci’s advice on vaccination. Democrats never took a step back to see the big picture. This should have been expected, since the Democrats’ nature is to value the politics over the substance. Hence, they gave us the meandering history that this author listed, replete with patterns of accusations, denigrations, and reversals. Democrats think with their jealousy. The Biden administration functions as a collection of Mean Girls.” —Illinois

Re: “Pelosi Is Winning Big on Wall Street

“So these multi-millionaires are using the system in an unethical manner to add to the wealth they can’t possibly use up before they expire. But yet nothing will happen to them, as nothing happens to all the political crooks out there. If I had it to do all over again, I would have gone into politics because, as Willie Sutton said, ‘That’s where the money is.’ And there is no downside. We even have a guy who slept with a spy and remains on committee.” —Nevada

Re: “Don’t Turn Texas Into California

“Austin is a pimple on the state (and Houston and Dallas). Austin cut its police budget. I used to love Austin. I have been in Texas most of my life. Now I avoid it, even to the point of taking the loop around Austin when traveling from DFW to San Antonio. I am in the auto repair business and do state inspections (required for vehicle registration). We have plenty of out-of-state customers. One positive is, if the subject comes up, many of them are well aware of what the Left has done to California, New York, Minnesota, etc. Some regret not getting more involved in standing up against these Marxists. They do not want the same thing to happen here. Welcome to Texas! Please check your liberalism at the door!” —Texas

“I feel for Texas. People leave California because they are so unhappy with the Democrats. Then they go to another state and try to make it into the place from which they just came. How do I know? Colorado, where I live, is a perfect example. Our governor came from California. Thanks to ‘green’ deals, thousands lost their jobs, and he and his kind shut down the oil patch here.” —Colorado

Re: “Thursday Short Cuts

“The sympathetic tone of the USA Today description of pedophiles is the same kind of language that was used to begin normalization of fornication and its consequences of out-of-wedlock birth back in the 1960s. Then similar language was used to normalize ‘open marriage’ adultery, followed by homosexuality, followed by gender dysphoria in general. People who objected were derided as ‘old fuddy-duddies’ and ‘bigoted.’ The social consequences have been enormous — rampant STD infections, millions of children harmed by fatherlessness or outright slaughtered by abortionists, etc. Now we see another push to make acceptable illicit pleasure at the expense of children. It’s time to firmly halt the marketers of evil. They’ve done too much harm already.” —Minnesota