The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “President Brandon Congratulates Himself on First Year

“‘Can you think of any other president that has done as much in one year?’ Biden thundered. ‘Name one for me.’ No, I  can’t … not off the top of my head. Even after a short research I can’t find any president (and I use this word loosely) who has screwed America up as much as he has. Obama didn’t screw it up this much in eight years (although he tried). The fact that this moron is proud of what he has done is even more proof of his inability to lead. This man needs to be removed from office and stripped of any and all benefits. May God save America.” —West Virginia

Re: “Vax Mandates Still Losing in Court

“I would argue that mandating anything without legislative input (exception for ‘emergency’ conditions, which should last for a predetermined length of time) is unconstitutional. I am surprised and saddened that our legislatures both federal and state have essentially rolled over and permitted a soft form of fascism to continue for this length of time.” —Texas

Re: “IRS Keeps Encroaching on Our Privacy

“The process described is not the whole enchilada. It took me months to get through the entire process. First, you complete to usual ‘paperwork’ online. Next, you upload your driver’s license (both sides), another ‘official’ document (my passport, both sides), and a selfie. Then you wait for your uploads to be reviewed. Once you get the approval email, the fun starts. You click on the link to start a video conference. First try showed a two-hour wait; second was nearly two hours. I got booted twice. Final try was a 1.5-hour wait, but the timer quickly rolled down to ‘Your Next.’ It took three attempts to get a good video and audio. Finally, the saga was over. Within a short time I received the email saying my login was approved.” —Arizona

“It is definitely time to campaign for an end to the income tax. It’s bad enough that it’s long been a medium for breeding political corruption and undermining political opponents. Now that it’s being all too obviously used as preparation for universal surveillance (remember the $600/year transaction reporting rule?), it’s time for the people to take it away from the government, like taking a toy away from a naughty child who uses it to abuse siblings or damage property. Modern technology has enabled a far less oppressive and more efficient alternative. A sales excise on luxury goods is simpler to enforce, much easier to comply with, and considerably cheaper for both taxpayers and government to administer. Repeal the 16th Amendment ASAP.” —Minnesota

Re: “The Democrats’ MLK Day Demagoguery

“A person cannot justify both the inherently racist Critical Race Theory and Martin Luther King’s anti-racist ‘content of character, not color of skin’ philosophies. The two ideas are mutually exclusive. Wokists really should pick a lane! Everything about them screeches hate-fueled racist, so why do they still pretend to adore the anti-racist that we normals love?” —Texas

Re: “Biden Bids to Bilk Back Bit by Bit

“A bill that is unconstitutional in totality will still be unconstitutional in all of its parts. The ‘Build Back Bankrupter’ bill is no different. Nothing in that bill was under the constitutional purview of the federal government, therefore none of its parts are, either. Of course, I don’t expect anyone in The Swamp to have the guts to say this out loud where a news camera or reporter could possibly hear it. The entire concept of ‘unconstitutional’ is unheard of there.” —Michigan

Re: “Canada’s Crusade Against Christians

“The very first thing Canada must do is rid itself of that emperor-in-charge, his highness, the globalist, Justin Trudeau. Once that is accomplished, it can begin to heal as a nation. His mandate on truck drivers is going to cripple the nation economically, not to say what it will do here in the U.S. If you want the real picture, ask the western provinces what they think about Quebec and Ontario.” —Massachusetts

Re: “Monday Short Cuts

“I find it odd (not really) that Representative Clyburn is saying that the 2022 elections could be illegitimate without the Voting Rights Act. Wasn’t the 2020 election held without this law in place? So, Mr. Clyburn, what makes that election legitimate? We always hear about sore losers, but I think in this case we are hearing from sore winners (who may really be well afraid of a comprehensive study of the 2020 elections).” —Washington

Re: “Monday Executive News Summary

“Edward Fishman and Chris Miller wrote about sanctions that could work against Russia, but they missed other strategic economic measures that are available. For example, fitting out several freight ships with banks of U.S.-made modular nuclear reactors and connections for land-based electrical grids would provide a backup to Europe’s remaining fossil-fueled electrical plants, thus reducing Russia’s ability to hold Europe’s energy supply hostage. As a bonus, these ships could afterwards be used in natural disaster situations, just as U.S. nuclear aircraft carriers have occasionally been used to supply electric power to port cities in emergency situations. Careful design of the system would enable the sale of the reactors for land-based use.” —Minnesota