The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “The Price-Jabbing International Trucking Vax Mandate

“The last paragraph says it all — we let hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in, do not screen them (many have COVID), and then we send planeloads to unsuspecting cities around the country and dump them there, where they will mingle in close contact with our U.S. citizens. Truck drivers, on the other hand, are solitary folk and rarely come into contact with others. This makes no sense at all from a ‘science’ standpoint, nor from a ‘stop COVID and protect Americans’ standpoint.” —Tennessee

Re: “Putin’s War Games

“If the U.S. fails to deter a Russian incursion into Ukraine, China will move on Taiwan. Then we will have two concurrent regional wars with major belligerents, both of whom will benefit by U.S. defeat. There’s no serious threat of global nuclear war … yet. No one wants that. But the U.S. remains the only nation in history that used nuclear weapons. We must demonstrate unequivocal readiness and firm resolve to go the distance at the first trivial hint of provocation. When failure is not an option, our POTUS displays significant age-related cognitive handicaps during a routine press conference. U.S. security and survival is jeopardized more now than anytime, even the Cuban missile crises.” —Missouri

Re: “Tuesday Executive News Summary

“Importing oil from Russia and paying Iran’s UN dues! Can this administration be any more screwed up? We’re face-to-face with Russia on international affairs — guess who has the upper hand? Russia will just shut off the oil deliveries and we will be in for the long, dark winter the president seems to want for us. He is, in fact, taking every step possible to make it happen. Who advises this guy anyway?” —North Carolina

Re: “Tackling FBI Corruption

“We could start with punishing people who break the law. I’m talking about San Francisco ‘shoplifters’ and the Lois Lerners of The Swamp and everything in between. We know Hillary Clinton broke the law with her private server. She should be taken to trial at the very least. We know she paid for the Steele dossier. She should, at least, be tried for that. We need the FBI to investigate the subversion of American jurisprudence by George Soros and others. On that note, why do rich people spend billions to push laws that only tear down our culture, when it might be cheaper to fund the programs they support? If we become socialist, what happens to Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates?” —Nevada

Re: “Mean Joe Biden ‘Forgets’ Presidential Norms

“Biden’s comment was inappropriate and disrespectful. Period. However, I don’t see the value of Doocy asking a question that anyone with a brain already knows the answer to. Inflation is already an issue — even the MSM networks/talkingheads/reporters who love Biden are reporting it as an issue. If it persists, it could very well be THE issue in November. Remember James Carville’s famous ‘It’s the economy, stupid’? History shows clearly that Americans vote their pocketbooks, not too many of which are getting fatter right now.” —Tennessee

Re: “GOP Pushes a Parents’ Bill of Rights

“Just a thought — where in the Constitution of the United States does it give the federal government the right to regulate education? The Department of Education is unconstitutional. Establishing a Bill of Rights for this seems to legitimize that agency and the federal meddling. Should the states not fix this?” —Michigan

“Until we stop sending children to socialist indoctrination institutions (public schools), bureaucrats will subtly and surreptitiously continue their insidious indoctrination. They will become more skilled at deception, distraction, obfuscation, and blame-shifting. School vouchers will enable parents to send children to schools with proven records of success. It will also compel public schools to stop indoctrinating and teach success, or risk closure.” —Missouri

Re: “In Brief: Don’t Work for a Living?

“Those who eat by the sweat of the brow will not feed a lazy good-for-nothing. At that point, you don’t work, you don’t eat. Stop all the freebies and watch how fast people develop a work ethic. My wife and I worked seven days a week to raise our children and put food on the table and a roof over our heads. There was a very limited safety net, and you had to be hungry to use it. Now, many are paying their food bills with a SNAP card and get money for their children like they are on welfare. Treating adults like children won’t teach them anything about common sense and budgeting. Ever. If they can go to war at 18, they can work full time.” —Oregon