The Patriot Post® · In Brief: 10 COVID-19 'Truths' That Weren't True

By Political Editors ·

“They’ve censored social media posts and banned users, from high-profile lawmakers to your grandmother,” writes Mary Margaret Olohan. “They’ve locked down the country, shuttered businesses and churches, arrested pastors, ordered the masking of children for years, and fired essential workers over resisting mandated vaccinations. All for the sake of ‘slowing the spread’ of the coronavirus pandemic.”

But what about all of their misinformation? “We now know that we have been lied to by the very people who claimed to be protecting us, and we have been lied to repeatedly,” she says. Just for example, Olohan counts up 10 big lies:

  1. 15 Days to Slow Spread
    Experts and health officials promised in March 2020 that we needed just “15 days to slow the spread.” Almost two years later, we’ve seen almost 700 days of mandates, lockdowns, quarantines, shaming, hysteria, and travel restrictions — with no stated end in sight.

  2. Face Masks
    During the early days of the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that Americans not wear face masks and the U.S. surgeon general urged us to stop buying masks. But in April 2020, the CDC said that all Americans should wear face coverings to avoid transmission of the virus. … Then, the CDC said in May that vaccinated Americans don’t need to wear masks in almost any setting, and now most media outlets are reporting that cloth masks just don’t work and that we should try N95s.

  3. Vaccine Mandates
    In December 2020, President-elect Joe Biden promised that he would not force Americans to be vaccinated. But this year, the Biden administration did exactly what Biden said they wouldn’t do.

  4. Lab Leak Theory
    Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., was lambasted by the media for suggesting the coronavirus actually originated in an infectious disease lab rather than an animal market as the Chinese government claimed. … Now we know that scientists consulting with the U.S. government early in the pandemic believed that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab — but Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins worked to shut that hypothesis down.

  5. Kids Should Go Remote, Schools Should Close
    Now, after months and even years of children missing school, even The New York Times is publishing stories warning that closing schools would be a “tragic mistake,” recognizing that “hospitalization and death is uncommon in children.”

  6. Vaccines Will End COVID-19
    We were repeatedly promised by Biden, Fauci, and many others that Americans who got vaccinated would not get COVID-19. Biden said, “You’re not going to get COVID if you get vaccinated.” Fauci said, “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.” Now, as we see many vaccinated people continuing to get COVID-19, we know for a fact that this isn’t true.

  7. Vaccines Don’t Affect Menstrual Health
    Media and health officials repeatedly assured the public that there was no evidence to suggest COVID-19 vaccines negatively affect fertility — until January 2022, when a new study found that women had an average menstrual cycle length of about one day longer than usual after getting vaccinated.

  8. No Masks After Vaccines
    We were promised that vaccinations would end COVID-19 and that Americans would no longer have to mask after they were vaccinated. But the CDC changed its mask guidance when it found in July 2021 that vaccinated people could still get the COVID-19 delta variant.

  9. Fauci Didn’t Fund Gain-of-Function Research
    A high-ranking National Institutes of Health officer admitted in an Oct. 20 letter that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had failed to immediately notify that it had engaged in what sure looks a lot like gain-of-function research, creating a lab-generated chimeric coronavirus between June 2018 and May 2019 that tested more deadly on mice with humanized cells than the natural virus it was made from.

  10. ‘Pandemic of Unvaccinated’
    Biden and Fauci have repeatedly blamed the unvaccinated for “propagating” outbreaks of the coronavirus delta and omicron variants. As recently as Jan. 13, Biden said that “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” ignoring the many, many vaccinated Americans who have contracted COVID-19 as of late.

Read the whole thing here.