The Patriot Post® · San Fran Parents Flex Their Muscles With School Board

By Emmy Griffin ·

In San Francisco, California, school board president Gabriela López, vice president Faauuga Moliga, and commissioner Alison Collins all got the ax from their positions. In a recall vote pushed by frustrated parents, the overwhelming majority voted to recall this trio. We’re talking 72%, 75%, and 78%, respectively.

Why were the parents so up in arms? It all started back in January 2021, when instead of focusing on getting schools back open and students back in the classroom, the members of the school board infamously decided that the most important issue at hand was changing the names of 44 schools in their district — 44 “inappropriately named” schools such as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and even Dianne Feinstein because the senator had the temerity to fly a Confederate flag once for which she insufficiently apologized. (Spoiler alert: There’s never enough apology for the cancel mob.) As Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell put it, “In San Francisco, the school board spent 2021 focused on renaming schools instead of re-opening schools. They decided George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were insufficiently woke namesakes.”

The board also wanted to take away the merit-based admissions system for prestigious Lowell High School. This high school is demographically made up of a majority of Asian students.

These tone-deaf steps drew the attention of the national media, making San Francisco the poster child for leftist public school priorities. Parents raised Cain, even in liberal Golden City. Putting politics ahead of their children was too much.

Children have suffered greatly in this pandemic, and it’s not just because of the masks or the vaccine mandates (though those are bad enough). Mentally, fear and isolation have caused children to despair. Suicide attempts have risen in both boys and girls, but for girls the rate has exploded by a whopping 51% according to the latest report1.

The San Francisco recall effort was denounced2 by no less than Shamann Walton, the Board of Supervisors president. He accused the parents of being — gasp — Republicans. He was very wrong in this respect. Parents from both sides of the aisle are sick of the radical political agenda being foisted on their children at the expense of a real education. Parents who send their children to public school expect them to learn reading, writing, math, science, and history, not woke Critical Race Theory versions of these subjects.

Defective Mayor London Breed weighed in on the side of the parents. In a statement she hedged: “The voters of this city have delivered a clear message that the school board must focus on the essentials of delivering a well-run school system above all else. San Francisco is a city that believes in the value of big ideas, but those ideas must be built on the foundation of a government that does the essentials well.”

She’s right about the school board, but she’s also a pot calling the kettle black. She runs a city where crime is rampant3 and where downtown is slowly being destroyed by trash and waste. Whose fault is that?

López, Moliga, and Collins will have their empty seats filled by Mayor Breed. One can only wonder if this is really a changing of the guard since Breed is a woke leftist herself. The only saving grace is that she is up for reelection soon and would be answerable for bad picks posthaste.
