The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Putin Launches Biden’s ‘Minor Incursion’ Into Ukraine

“I agree with your assessment of Tucker Carlson’s short-sighted isolationism. Maybe Bill Clinton should not have made America a signatory to the 1994 agreement in which Ukraine surrendered its Soviet-era nuclear missiles in exchange for assurances that Russia would respect its territorial sovereignty. But we are a signatory, so there is a vital national interest in showing that America’s word means something. Our resolve was undercut in 2014 when Obama allowed Putin to snatch Crimea without repercussions, and again when Biden cravenly abandoned thousands of our allies in Afghanistan. The current invasion is the predictable result. China is watching to see what we’ll do next. With Biden in charge, Taiwan has ample reason to worry.” —Georgia

“What should happen with Ukraine is that the nuclear weapons it gave up under the illusion that Russia would respect its sovereignty and the U.S. would protect it should be returned to Ukraine — at least two of them with a delivery system, and one permanently preset to Moscow. Now THAT is called respecting sovereignty.” —Oregon

“Putin, a member of the KGB, is a ruthless thug. Trump was able to keep Putin at bay, but that crumbled when Grandpa Joe was elected. So what does Biden do? He sends the giggling idiot, Kamala Harris, to do our bidding since she has done a great job at the southern border. She should know her way around because this is her second trip to Europe (giggle, giggle). Americans will pay the price.” —Ohio

Re: “Putin Strategizes, Biden Dithers

“If Putin had pulled this stunt while Trump was in office, Trump might have retaliated by making moves hinting at the forcible return of the southern Kuril Islands to Japan — a tit for tat. For example, amphibious ‘military exercises’ on the north shore of Hokkaido Island, couple with renewed demands for the return of those islands (assuming Japan would go along with that). At the very least, he would have called Putin and warned him that bothering the neighbors would result in immediate invitations for them to join NATO, together with deployments to back that up.” —Minnesota

Re: “Parents Are Pulling Kids Out of Public Schools

“The problem is unions and governments shoveling garbage for curriculum, school administrators and legislative bodies who are ignorant, schools boards that bully, and parents who have pulled so far away from their responsibility for their child’s education. Children want to learn. Most teachers want to teach! It’s the garbage that comes between the two that is the problem.” —Oklahoma

“The Achilles heel of Democrat Party policy positions is its ostrich-like endorsement of the public school system. Everyone knows the teachers unions own the Democrat Party. When Republicans regain control of Congress, I expect school choice tax vouchers to be endorsed, green-lighting states to enact legislation that allows tax credits for money spent on private school tuition. If every public school in America fails, so be it.” —California

“We are now seeing the results of 1963, when Madeline Murry removed prayer from our schools. That caused no morals to be taught in our schools. Very little was taught at home, either. It has been a downhill battle ever since. Like the Bible talks about, the blind are leading the blind. When I went to school, it was ‘city schools.’ Now everything is mandated from politicians and unions. I am glad all my kids are past school age, but I feel sorry for my great-grandkids.” —Washington

Re: “CDC Tacitly Acknowledges Masking Speech Impediment

“So sad when we know what caused all of this. Now instead of coming clean and admitting failure, the CDC doubles down on stupid and lowers the standards again. My own grandmother was born in 1903 and lived to be 97 years old. She had an 8th grade education and was able to do complex math problems and write like a scholar. Now we are lucky if 18% of the graduating senior class can do grade-level math. Stop lowering expectations and fix the problems. We are paying dearly to get screwed by public education. Stop the damage, or force the dollars to follow the student under the express control of the parents. The lowering of the standards makes the failures of those in charge very evident. Defund public education.” —Oregon

“Unfortunately, by the time all the damage is comprehensively assessed, the culprits in this debacle will (hopefully) be long gone from their offices. It’s what happens when science becomes just another arm of politics.” —Illinois