The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Biden's Plan — Higher Fuel Prices

By Political Editors ·

As we’ve made plain since the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden wants higher gas prices. Democrats want to fundamentally transform our economy away from fossil fuels and toward the climate aware utopia (read: socialist backwater) of the Green New Deal.

Political analyst Elle Reynolds agrees, and she writes:

Gas prices in the United States hit a new all-time high under President Joe Biden’s watch on Tuesday, clocking in at an average of $4.17 per gallon, surpassing the previous record of $4.11 set in 2008.

All those “I did that” stickers being put on and scraped off gas pumps, as well as other vandalism, show that people are angry with the president.

It’s obvious to everyone paying attention (except for Biden and his corporate media comms shop… but that’s redundant) that the Democrat administration’s policies, not just the Russians, are to blame for rising prices at the pump. The third week of February, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, the average price of U.S. gas was $3.53 per gallon, compared with $2.38 the week Biden took office: a $1.15 difference. (That fact hasn’t stopped Press Secretary Jen Psaki from lying through her teeth to blame the spike entirely on Russia.)

But, bumbling though they are, the Biden administration did not just achieve rising gas prices through accidents and incompetence. Your pain at the pump isn’t just unforeseen collateral damage of the White House’s policies — it’s a very intentional result of it.

That’s right: Biden wants staggering gas prices to force you from being able to drive where you want, when you want, as much as you want to. It’s all a part of his green energy agenda, which panders to radicals on the far-left side of Biden’s ever-further-left party.

And he told us this in the 2020 campaign. “We are gonna get rid of fossil fuels,” he said at a rally. During a primary debate, he promised, “We would make sure it’s eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, either — any fossil fuel.”

His actions have backed that agenda up, too, from canceling the Keystone XL pipeline to suspending new drillings on federal lands to moving us away from the energy independence the U.S. established under former president Trump. That agenda has been apparent even in the Biden administration’s tone-deaf responses to the current spike in gas prices. …

Vice President Kamala Harris, who has failed in every sector she’s been appointed to take charge of, spent Monday afternoon with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg promoting the administration’s anti-gas messaging and suggesting that perhaps Americans should just eat cake buy electric cars.

The average cost of an electric vehicle is $56,437, “equivalent to an entry-level luxury car.”

Reynolds gives other examples of this tone-deaf elitism before concluding:

You paying more (and more, and more) at the pump just means Biden gets one step closer to his anti-oil agenda. Don’t think he isn’t happy about it.

Read the whole thing here.