The Patriot Post® · Who the Heck Is Running This Clown Show?

By Roger Helle ·

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting angry. I pray it is a righteous anger. The Apostle Paul told us, “Be angry but do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26).

I’ve written before that Joe Biden told us Vladimir Putin didn’t want him to be president because he was the only one who would stand up against him. So it’s amazing and not the least bit funny watching Putin play Biden like a fiddle. Every step Biden has taken regarding the tragedy in Ukraine seems based on his fear of what Putin will do. He slow-walks weapons and aid, hoping not to provoke Putin to do something worse. All the time, Putin is slaughtering innocent civilians while Biden retreats to his Delaware basement.

We knew for months that Putin was positioning troops around the border of Ukraine. That’s when aid for Ukraine needed to be sent. Providing the equipment before the invasion might cause Putin to stop and rethink his strategy. War crimes are what happen when America leads from behind.

Our military intelligence on what Russia was doing was given to China in the hope it could talk Putin out of invading. What military genius thought it was a good idea to send intelligence on one adversary to another adversary, which also happens to be Russia’s ally militarily and politically? Was it the same genius who told China he’d give it a heads up if Trump was going to strike?

During Vietnam, an American military officer who gave intelligence to the North Vietnamese would have been tried for treason (John Kerry, call your office). Instead, Biden keeps Mark Milley as chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff. Apparently, treason is okay if it’s committed against a Republican president. The same military geniuses who gave us the “successful” withdrawal from Afghanistan are repeating their mistakes in Ukraine.

With all of this taking place, Biden has placed the horrible Iran nuclear deal in the hands of Russia and China to negotiate on our behalf. That’s because America’s negotiators walked away from the table and Iran won’t meet with them anyway. Are we out of our minds?

We finally agreed to stop paying Russia billions of dollars to purchase its oil, which funds Putin’s war machine. The smart thing would be to once again achieve energy independence, which also protects our national security. But why pump dirty oil here in America when we can ask Iran or Venezuela to sell it to us? Are you kidding? Saudi Arabia already told Joe to go pound sand when he begged for oil.

As the economy continues to spin out of control, the administration blames greedy oil producers, greedy meat producers, and stupid Americans who won’t buy an electric car. Just vote for the Democrats’ $5 trillion Bilk Back Better bill and our problems are solved. Everything is going to be okay — just trust them!

At least we don’t have to tolerate mean tweets anymore. By the way, did you see that after 18 months The New York Times was finally able to validate the Hunter Biden laptop story? The mainstream media’s response was … crickets.

Something to weep about!