The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·


“You may not be interested in war, but war is very interested in you.” —Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi (1828-1910)

For the Record

“[Biden] may or may not have cognitive decline problems at his age, but at her age, she’s just dumb. Let’s be clear: Kamala Harris may be the dumbest person ever elected vice president in American history and that’s why people keep resigning.” —former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

Re: The Rainbow Mafia

“Disney shouldn’t be a vehicle for one demographic’s political activism. It’s so much bigger and more important than that. More than ever, the world needs things that we can unite around. That’s the most valuable role The Walt Disney Company could play in the world at this time. It’s a role we’ve played for nearly a century, and it would be a shame to throw all of that away in the face of left-wing political pressure. Please don’t let Disney become just another thing we divide over.” —an open letter to Disney from anonymous conservative employees

“Parents for thousands of years have lived without Disney. … I promise you, if you turn your company into a propaganda tool specifically designed to indoctrinate my kids into your values, I will not use Disney products anymore. It is that simple. And there are a lot of parents who are like me.” —Ben Shapiro

“We didn’t elect Disney to be arbiters of our political views. We pay Disney to entertain our children. If it wants to become political, we can vote with our business by taking it elsewhere.” —Emmy Griffin

“By allowing men to compete in women’s sports, the NCAA is destroying opportunities for women, making a mockery of its championships, and perpetuating a fraud. In Florida, we reject these lies and recognize Sarasota’s Emma Weyant as the best women’s swimmer in the 500y freestyle.” —Governor Ron DeSantis

“If it’s unclear what a woman is, how does Biden know he’s nominated one?” —Seth Dillon

Re: Retirement

“I wanna make sure we’re really out of this [pandemic] before I really seriously consider doing anything different. We’re still in this, we have a way to go.” —Anthony Fauci

And Last…

“Ever notice that you’re more likely to be banned by Twitter for expressing an opinion held by 90% of the public than one held by 10% of the public? … The main lesson here is that when it comes to making an opinion seem popular, it’s a lot cheaper and easier to reduce the denominator than increase the numerator.” —David Burge