The Patriot Post® · Trump Talks 2022 Before 2024

By Douglas Andrews ·

Politics isn’t as simple as Uno, but we wish it were. That way, our next president could simply play the Reverse card. Because, let’s face it: Joe Biden’s troubles — indeed, our nation’s troubles — are all self-inflicted, all due in varying degrees to his reflexive undoing of nearly every one of Donald Trump’s policies, both foreign and domestic.

Two actions Biden took within hours of becoming president are emblematic of this derangement: his decision to halt construction of the border wall, and his decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. Is it any wonder that unchecked immigration and soaring energy prices are two of the issues on which he polls worst?

And yet the guy still doesn’t get it. Recently at a NATO press conference, Biden claimed he’d consider himself “fortunate” if he were to run against Donald Trump again in 2024. It was, to all who observed it, a see-through effort to communicate youthful vigor and bravado — or perhaps just relevance — because, let’s face it: Joe Biden isn’t running again in 2024. Everyone knows it, but his people won’t admit it because it’d mean consigning him to lame duck status just over a year into his presidency.

The latest polling couldn’t be more grim for Biden and his party. As The Hill reports1:

A new poll has found that Biden has no reason to act so cocky about 2024, because it shows that in a hypothetical 2024 match-up between Trump and Biden, Trump wins easily. The latest Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, which was released Monday, found that Trump beats Biden 47% to 41%.

In fact, this is just one of many polls showing Trump beating Biden. The current RealClearPolitics average of Trump/Biden match-up polls has Trump ahead of Biden by 3.7%. The only bright side of the poll for Biden is that his vice president, Kamala Harris, performed worse than he did, losing to Trump 49% to 38%.

This news about VP Harris puts the Democrats in a quandary: Joe Biden is killing them, but Kamala Harris promises to make things even worse. We’re hard-pressed to find a good historical comparison for the party’s predicament — within the past half-century, perhaps only the GOP just after Richard Nixon’s resignation. Could Pedaling Pete Buttigieg be the answer2 to what ails the Democrats?

As for the Republicans, they need to focus on November’s midterms. So said Donald Trump in an interview3 with veteran journalist John Solomon. “It’s so sad to see what’s happened to our great USA. But we can come back. I think these midterms are vital, just vital,” said Trump. “We don’t have a free press. We really don’t have free speech anymore. It’s very bad, very dangerous. These elections are going to be absolutely critical for this country.”

Trump said he wouldn’t make a decision about running again until after the midterms, but, according to the Harvard-Harris poll, he remains the favorite among Republicans voters, with 59% saying they’d support him if he chose to run again. Former VP Mike Pence and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are statistically tied for second place, garnering 11% and 10% support, respectively, but DeSantis leapfrogs Pence as the favorite if Trump decides not to run again. In that case, he leads Pence 28% to 24%.

Regardless of how the midterms shake out, or who chooses to run on the GOP side in 2024, we should thank Joe Biden for his incompetence. Not for wrecking the country, of course, but for giving the American people a masterful lesson in the difference between conservative governance and progressive governance.

Undoing the damage won’t be as easy as playing the Reverse card, but voting the Democrats out in November will be a good start.
