The Patriot Post® · Pence's Plan for America

By Thomas Gallatin ·

As the adage states, failure to plan is a plan for failure. Former Vice President Mike Pence has certainly taken that bit of wisdom to heart, working tirelessly since leaving office to advocate for what he terms “the ideas of the conservative movement from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump.” In that vein, Pence has produced what he is calling his “Freedom Agenda1” to help clearly delineate a conservative policy agenda moving into the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential election. Pence argues, “You can’t beat a program without a program.”

One of the biggest items in his Freedom Agenda directly targets education with a call for the promotion of “patriotic education.” He explains, “State and local jurisdictions should require high school students to pass testing on their knowledge of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Federalist Papers prior to graduation to ensure that high school students are graduating with a basic knowledge of America’s most important founding documents and ideals.”

But it’s not just promoting and training up high school students in the basics of America’s founding ideology; Pence takes on the racist 1619 Project indoctrination being pushed by leftists across the nation. The plan also calls for opposing “radical political indoctrination — including the teaching of anti-American racist ideologies like critical race theory — in our schools and universities (as well as businesses and government agencies).” It advocates “maximum curriculum transparency so that parents have all the information necessary to pick and monitor schools that best fit the needs of their families.”

Pence’s plan also tackles the radical Left’s attack on women. He aims to “preserve and protect female athletic competition by ensuring that sports competitions are between those who share their God-given gender.”

Countering the abuse of free speech is yet another pillar in his plan. Reforming Big Tech “to align it with our democratic and free enterprise system” is a critical plank. Further planks include: “Prevent censorship in the modern public square by requiring that internet companies live under the same liability framework as traditional print and broadcast media companies. Advancing free speech and end digital surveillance without meaningful consent. … Champion increased ownership and portability of private data.”

In releasing this plan, it may appear that Pence is positioning himself for a run at the White House2 in 2024, which could have him facing off directly against Donald Trump. Pence may very well intend to run3, but his motives for the Freedom Agenda are clearly bigger than merely a political campaign. There is little doubt that Pence is a proud American who truly loves and is committed to the betterment and preservation of this greatest nation on earth. As he states regarding his 28-page plan4: “This is a pathway not just for winning elections, but for winning the hearts and minds of Americans. We need to have a conversation about not just what’s wrong with the other side, but also the spirit of a freedom agenda.”
