The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·


“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.” —Barry Goldwater (1909-1998)

Re: Bidenomics

“The President has pledged to eradicate the oil and gas industry. If you were an investor in one of those companies, of course you’d be slow to ramp up and invest more when the most powerful man on the planet wants to end your business.” —Erick Erickson

“Inflation is raging and getting worse. Workers and families are taking another big pay cut, with $5,700 in lost wages on average thanks to President Biden’s failed leadership. More and more Americans feel financially worse off today than at the height of the Covid pandemic. For President Biden, who mistakenly denied record-high inflation and later denied the crippling worker shortage, what does it take beyond [yesterday’s] devastating inflation report to admit America is in a wage-price spiral that is worsening each month? Denial, as we’ve learned under this Administration, is not an economic strategy.” —Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX)

“The White House has had five separate lies on inflation. Their first lie was: It’s not happening. Don’t believe your eyes. There’s no inflation. Their second lie was: Oh, it’s transitory. Yes, it’s happening, but it’s transitory. Just for a moment. The third lie is, and this is from Ron Klain: It’s a high-class problem. It’s there, but it’s a high-class problem. Aren’t you lucky to have inflation? Their fourth lie was: It’s happening, it’s not transitory, it’s not high-class, but it’s a good thing. It’s a sign of how great the economy is that you can’t afford to pay for your groceries or put gas in your car. Then lie number five that every Biden apparatchik is repeating: Putin, Putin, Putin. They decided politically, let’s blame this train wreck of a Biden energy policy on Vladimir Putin. You know what? The gasoline prices had risen 48% before Putin invaded Ukraine. As the sticker says on the gas pump, ‘I did this.' Joe Biden did this.” —Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)

“If March’s 1.2% increase is annualized going forward, inflation would jump to 14.4%!” —Gary Bauer

“At this rate, #inflation will be higher than Biden’s approval rating in no time.” —Steven Crowder


“We saw today’s inflation data. Seventy percent of the increase in prices in March came from Putin’s price hike in gasoline.” —Joe Biden

“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away.” —Joe Biden

“I acknowledge one must acknowledge that prices are going up.” —Kamala Harris

Dumb and Dumber

“I think when it comes to mask mandates, they’re there because people just aren’t great people. That’s just the bottom line. Americans just aren’t great to each other.” —"The View’s" Sunny Hostin

“The data strongly suggest that we are emerging from the crisis with lower levels of trust than before. This might account for why Americans seem excessively grouchy and unwilling to credit government for the recovery thus far.” —The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin (“Government created the economic struggles we face with useless lockdowns, and then mismanaged the recovery. You don’t get credit for sending out checks.” —David Harsanyi)


“In [Elon] Musk’s vision of Twitter and the internet, he’d be the wizard behind the curtain — projecting on the world’s screen a fake image of a brave new world empowering everyone. In reality, that world would be dominated by the richest and most powerful people in the world, who wouldn’t be accountable to anyone for facts, truth, science or the common good. That’s Musk’s dream. And Trump’s. And Putin’s. And the dream of every dictator, strongman, demagogue and modern-day robber baron on Earth. For the rest of us, it would be a brave new nightmare.” —former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich (“Ah yes — the authoritarian dream of a free, open, and uncensored internet.” —Noam Blum)

And Last…

“Biden has announced that all gun parts will now require background checks and serial numbers. … Just to be clear, there’s no such thing as a 'ghost gun.’ That’s a made-up phrase, and anyone you see on television or in print repeating that phrase is a propagandist working on behalf of the forces of repression, the Biden administration. … You also need a license to drive a car but that doesn’t mean if you order a new fuel injector online that you need a license for that too.” —Tucker Carlson