The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Baring Biden’s Big ‘Gun Violence’ Lie

“I’m seeing numerous accounts of street killings on TV, newspapers, and websites. What I believe is missing from all of this reporting by qualified reporters and writers is the word ‘gang.’ The local city cops are reluctant to try to root out the gangs from the streets because they are afraid of these gang leaders. The leaders are ruthless and violent. The cops want no part of this. They stay away. The gangs run the streets. I do not have the solution, except to stay away from the cities and keep out of harm’s way. Maybe some of your readers have a better solution than that.” —New Jersey

“Fatherlessness is a symptom and contributing factor to violent crime. The root cause is abandonment of the intrinsic need for acknowledging that our rights are endowed by our Creator. Our rights became tools for deceived leaders who are too proud to see (or too evil to admit) that violent crime promotes poverty. These same leaders refuse to believe that the failure to protect the right to life denies respect for the traditional family and its greatest lesson: individual responsibility. The authority that refuses to defend the right to life will be trusted by fools alone.” —Missouri

“Inner city hoodlums with broken homes, as outlined in this article, have always had a tough time being productive and prosperous. But their problems are magnified by Democrat-promoted handout programs that effectively derail the long-term need for knowledge and skills in favor of short-term comfort. Democrats are more than willing to create and expand handout programs in exchange for good PR and votes. The programs are a sham, so the hoodlums produce nothing but violence as they patrol the streets, acting on little more than pure instinct, exploiting every opportunity, like a predator in the jungle.” —Illinois

Re: “A Big, Fat ‘F’ for Gubmint Skools

“It’s the parents’ role to make sure their children are educated in the way they deem best. In the ‘80s, we took our son from public education to private school. Still, he was not progressing in arithmetic abilities. Then we began homeschooling, fighting the district, as neither my husband nor I were graduated beyond high school. I persevered — found the books, began to 'teach’ him to study, and he caught the desire to learn. He became the person he was to be with his own abilities, going on to the college of his choice and graduating summa cum laude in his class. It can be done! Do parents have the courage and tenacity to be responsible for their children’s education? Only a parent can answer that question, not the educators in schools.” —California

“Want to fix public education? I can help. Here’s what you do: 1) Get rid of mega-schools with hundreds of students. If everyone knows everyone else, no one can hide in the crowd and ‘get by.’ This would involve undoing all the school consolidations that have occurred in the last decades. Neighborhood schools only. Each parent should know at least a good percentage of the other parents. 2) Stop ‘social advancement’ completely. If a student doesn’t learn the material, do it again until it sticks. 3) Keep politics out of the classroom, except during social studies. This includes school board meetings. 4) Limit student/teacher ratios so that every teacher actually knows every student. Expensive? Yep — you get what you pay for.” —Florida

Re: “What About Ditching College?

“As a former teacher, I knew all of my students were not ready for college at the time they graduated. We looked at many career options; however, career options have changed considerably in the last 10 years. Machines and robots have taken over for people, so what good-paying jobs are out there for young people who do not go to college? I know students are technology savvy, yet going for a college degree will put most kids behind in technology, as colleges can’t keep up with progress. It would be beneficial for students and parents to hear what options are out there if they do not choose the college route.” —Virginia

“Parents should start sending their children to trade schools instead of having them obtain a worthless college degree (in many cases, a status symbol only). The trades offer extremely well-paying jobs and bright futures. (Have you called a plumber lately? An electrician?) Mike Rowe, the ‘Dirty Jobs’ guy, is actively promoting trade schools and apprenticeships instead of college. All that colleges are today are liberal indoctrination centers.” —Pennsylvania

“I graduated high school in 1981 and was the oldest of four children. In seeing that my parents couldn’t help with college, I enlisted in the Navy. I got into the Naval Nuclear Power Program where I learned to ‘supervise, operate and maintain’ naval nuclear reactors. What the military did for me was it taught me how to learn anything. While in the Navy, I took those skills and taught myself to write computer software, and when I got out of the Navy, I got a job inspecting electronics and wrote some software to help my job. Three years later, I got my first job as a computer consultant, which I then did for 25 years. I may be one of the exceptions, but I proved years ago that you don’t need a degree to get a good job and develop it into a great career.” —Illinois

Re: “Where’s the Special Counsel?

“If President Biden really believes his son is innocent, an investigation would prove forever that he is. But maybe Hunter is NOT the one Joe is afraid of being found guilty in an investigation? Meanwhile, Hunter is being protected at a high-buck venue by hired guards and having a grand time.” —North Carolina

Re: “Hatred Sells

“One of the best ways to start to change the culture is to educate young women to love the children they plan to bring into the world by making sure those children live in a two-parent home with an involved father who will help to raise them and set them on a productive path in life. Women, don’t settle for half-baked relationships. Insist on marriage.” —Pennsylvania