The Patriot Post® · Chicken Little, Part Deux

By Roger Helle ·

It’s been close to two years since I first wrote about the “global warming” hysteria that followed the 1970’s “coming ice age.” Now it’s rebranded as “climate change” — same con game, different name. If it’s really cold, it’s because of climate change. If it’s really hot, same thing. Growing up, we called it winter and summer!

Climate change, we’re constantly being reminded, will be a disaster of biblical proportions if we don’t destroy the American way of life to save the planet. Brave souls like John Kerry are jetting around the world in a carbon-emitting, fuel-guzzling private plane because he cares so much about us common folks. He has to fly private because he’s saving the world. Thanks, John!

Climate change activist Leonardo DiCaprio is also jetting around the world to save us. Many Hollywood elites are concerned about the plight of us mere peasants. How can we be so lucky to have folks such as this?

These phonies are as bad as the morons trying to save us from the plague of COVID, telling us to follow the science, even though the science keeps changing. When “inconvenient truths” (apologies to Al Gore) pop up, they simply change the science, lie about it, and accuse us of not caring about our planet.

Their strategies to save the world are impossible dreams, but that doesn’t stop them. In a year, we went from energy independence to importing oil from Russia. While our energy production is the cleanest on the planet, Joe Biden, forced to stop importing oil from Russia, wants to import it from Saudi Arabia (which won’t return Joe’s calls), Venezuela, and Iran. Iran! Are you kidding me? Iran calls for “death to America” every week! What could possibly go wrong?

Wind turbines, solar panels, electric cars — all of these together, along with unicorns, will save the planet. Forget the ecological mess trying to dispose of all of this when they’re finished. It’s a nightmare.

They want to shut down coal plants. How do you provide power for all of the new electric cars the majority of us cannot afford? The green fascists refuse to allow nuclear power, which is the cleanest, most efficient of all energy sources. Did you know France provides 70% of its electrical power through nuclear energy? France! Whatever it can do, we can do better.

How many years ago did Al Gore tell us the East Coast would be under water? The Left gets hysterical when anyone asks for “the science” for all of these pending disasters. The smug answer is something like, “The science is settled.” We haven’t quite settled the science of COVID yet, but it’s coming … right?

Here’s a bigger question. In all of this urgency to save the world from a slight increase in temperatures, what other nations are going to join us in sacrificing for the greater good? Russia, China, India, and just about every other third-world country are not on board. If we totally destroy our nation and go back to the stone age, what good will it do?

Or is there a much darker agenda than saving the world? America is evil and we must be the one to take the bullet for the rest of the planet. This doesn’t pass the smell test!

Something to think about?