The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden Weighs Student Loan Vote-Buying Bribe

“Our daughter paid off her MBA loans last year. So, contrary to Big Mouth Warren, there have been hardworking, honest folks doing the right thing. If this goes through, we need a class-action lawsuit brought by all those who, like our daughter, paid their loans. Absolutely criminal how this admin uses our hard-earned tax dollars. Perhaps those of us who actually pay taxes need to sue too!” —Florida

Re: “Feinstein and Biden: Unfit for Office

“Feinstein was never a good official or person. I fought for years, and at some costs, to arrange immigration for my two step-children aged five and eight. Years. I was given a run-around all that time, being asked at every 90-day interview for yet another form. (Oh! You don’t have a form we haven’t asked for in the last five years? Too bad! Come back in 90 days.) I got my representative involved. He was told by the Departments of State and Justice to ‘stuff it.’ My rep and I wrote Senator Feinstein. Her response: ‘Those people work very hard.’ That’s it!” —Nevada

Re: “The U.S. Is Becoming a Sanctuary Country

“It is so blatantly obvious as to why the Democrats are aiding and abetting illegal immigration and why neither Biden nor his VP have bothered to go near the border. The end plan is to so completely dilute the populations of red states with these uneducated, welfare-dependent, potential Democrat voters that Republicans will never win another election, and the Dems want it done in time for the 2024 election. So why would they make any effort to stop it?” —Pennsylvania

Re: “GOP Officially Tells Debate Commission to Pound Sand

“Sure took long enough! I always wondered why the RNC would put up with this disgusting format run by a bunch of leftists. But there they are, every election for 35 years. Who couldn’t see that? Good grief. I’m sure glad they aren’t running to a fire — the whole block would be destroyed before they got the first hose flowing. I guess we’ll see if they can come up with some truly unbiased debates. I won’t be holding my breath. After suffering through the 2020 debates and the moderators, I swore off anymore of it. This could change my mind. It’s no fun watching people who claim to be the arbiters of truth and fairness take sides during the debates. And they always, always side with the leftists. Yeah, it’s past time for a change.” —Oregon

Re: “A House Divided

“We Christians fail when we separate ourselves from others. Jesus, both holy and God, associated with sinners. He calls us to do the same. Our refusal to associate harms sinners. If we fear being called a sinner, we fail to understand God’s mercy. We will fight the power of sin until in His presence. The Holy Spirit provides strength for victory over sin, discipline for failures, comfort for weaknesses. Be courageous. Confess to others that we, too, are sinners. Christians are sinners like everyone. But Christians are sinners saved by His mercy. All else are sinners who will find His mercy and grace or refuse it and be damned.” —Missouri

Re: “Wednesday Short Cuts

“‘There’s just not much President Joe Biden can do about it.’ Funny thing is, if Biden had done absolutely NOTHING since his swearing in as president, the whole country would be in better shape and his poll numbers would reflect that. Just about every disaster of his presidency grew out of trashing what president Trump left behind. Now, China Joe is in a deep hole, yet keeps on digging.” —Maryland

Re: “Tuesday Short Cuts

“I’ve come to realize the real problem with America. It’s projection. People project what other people think, why they act, and their innermost thoughts. A guy thinks Elon Musk wants to use the ‘N-word,’ so he’ll spend $40 billion to do so. Did this guy ever HEAR Musk use that word? Has he ever met, talked with, or listened to Musk? White people claim cultural ‘good points’ for expounding on the downtrodden black man without ever seeing any active prejudice. Blacks need to stand up and put a stop to this before it backfires on them in unimagined bad ways.” —Nevada