The Patriot Post® · In Brief: The Left Poisoned What It Means to Be Healthy

By Political Editors ·

As commentator Dennis Prager has long argued, the Left ruins everything it touches. Health is no different. Christopher Bedford discusses this insanity and why it matters.

In a little public school on Capitol Hill, kindergartners are banned from campus nearly every single week. School policy on the matter is simple: If a child in a class tests positive for Covid, every unvaccinated child in that child’s class must quarantine at home for 10 days — or return “early” if their parents produce a negative test on the morning of the sixth day.

With less than one-third of children aged 11 and younger vaccinated, the policy casts a wide net. And with Centers for Disease Control information showing Covid infections currently higher among vaccinated children than unvaccinated children, those children allowed by the policy to remain in school provide a rolling drumbeat of asymptomatic classroom positives.

It’s certainly well established that COVID protocols in school did next to nothing to protect kids’ health while greatly damaging their education. But as Bedford notes, this is part of a larger cultural sickness:

Take a look at this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition:

The image is supposed to be bold; to generate conversation. How? A catalog traditionally dedicated to celebrating extremely fit women is instead celebrating an obese woman; is instead promoting what the woke left claims is a “healthier” body image.

Celebrating “plus-sized” models is all the rage these days. Companies that don’t get in on the fad are themselves shamed for having “fat shamed” — a term to used keep our increasingly unhealthy citizenry comfortable in their own unhealthiness.

Regardless of whether you think “fat is beautiful,” it’s not healthy. The “brave” discussion Sports Illustrated generated isn’t about that, though. While plenty of writers and reporters were eager to condemn philosopher Jordan Peterson’s misdirected criticism of the model, far fewer were eager to mention the deadly side effects of gross obesity; among them, diabetes, heart disease and — interestingly enough — the dreaded Covid.

For years now we’ve known that, far from “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Covid is rather a pandemic of the fat, who have suffered far higher fatality rates per infection.

It’s a bizarre world we live in where maskless or unvaccinated kids are shamed while “body positivity” is exalted as a high value. And certainly it doesn’t stop there.

It’s strange, but old rules don’t apply when words are deployed in the service of the woke left.

“Sexual health,” for example, is used to justify all sorts of perversions in the classroom.

“Mental health” is used to justify feeding hormone suppressants to vulnerable children.

“Reproductive health” is used to justify abortion.

The list goes on…

He concludes:

The woke left is intent to wield words as weapons, using our own good things against us. Don’t buy it; don’t adopts the definitions, or use the phrases they demand.

Read the whole thing here.