The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Don’t Buy the Democrats’ ‘Greedflation’ Lie

“So, over the course of less than two years, gasoline went from around $2 a gallon to $5 and up. Where were those ‘greedy’ oil companies back then? Democrats must have all failed ECON 101 and never learned the meaning of supply/demand.” —Maryland

“Growth of the money supply must balance growth of productivity, or you get inflation. Imagine that the only thing made in America is hamburgers. Years ago, there were 10 trillion dollars and 10 trillion hamburgers; each burger cost one dollar. Pre-Biden, both the money supply and GDP (burger production) had grown to $22 trillion, so a hamburger cost one-22-trillionth of all the money: still a dollar. Then Biden magically creates another $5 trillion, far outpacing the slower GDP growth. The money supply is now up to $27 trillion, but there are only 24 trillion hamburgers. So when McDonalds asks for one-24-trillionth of all the money, that burger will ring up as 27 trillion/24 trillion, or about $1.12. VOILA: 12% inflation.” —Georgia

Re: “On Gas Prices, Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

“The source of electric energy is fossil fuels. Transferring consumption of fossil fuels from vehicles to energy plants is a pea-in-a-shell game for suckers. All other sources of electric energy is inadequate and cannot compensate for the vast increase in electric vehicle (EV) demands for at least several decades. There is a direct inverse correlation between national defense and dependence on electric energy. A nation of EVs will be vulnerable. A few EMP (electromagnetic pulse) discharges could render critical areas of our nation defenseless — preserve all physical structures but make the population extremely compliant for relief. Enemies of the U.S. liberty must be salivating!” —Missouri

Re: “How Long Can Putin Stay in the Fight?

“If Russian attrition and a change in leadership come about before the midterms, I for one am not prepared to listen to our media explain old Scranton Joe’s wily and cunning statesmanship toppling the menacing Russian bear without firing a shot, which is where they’ll go in sync.” —Michigan

Re: “WWII Merchant Marines Finally Receive Due Honor

“Oh, how this article hit me! My dad was in the Merchant Marines during World War II. I was just a girl then who missed her daddy. A few years ago, I wanted to join the VFW as a surviving child of a veteran and was denied membership because ‘Merchant Marines were not considered part of the US military.' I was shocked and disappointed. Maybe now the VFW will change its tune?” —Ohio

Re: “Democrats Hate America

“The question we should be asking Stacey Abrams is, what has she done to improve the state that she says is 'the worst state in the country to live’? One does not have to be governor to help improve the state. What has she done? She goes on national TV and complains, but does that help the state to become better? Why would anyone vote for her? She sounds like another Democrat who feels she deserves the office just because she exists. Abrams should get out of the way and at least allow a worthy Dem to run for the office.” —Nevada