The Patriot Post® · In Brief: 'You Just Can't See How Good the Economy Is'

By Political Editors ·

“Maybe if we tilt our heads and squint,” says Robert Spencer, we can see that the economic malaise all around us is actually a good economy like Joe Biden says it is. Effectively, that’s the message from the White House: Who’re you gonna believe, us or your lyin’ eyes?

Old Joe Biden has been a liar his entire public life, from his plagiarism in law school and on the presidential campaign trail to his lies about the accident that killed his first wife and the innumerable lies he has told while pretending to be president. It is no exaggeration to say that Joe Biden is one of the most untrustworthy men on the planet. [Recently] he reinforced that reputation with a major speech on the May jobs report, in which he had the breathtaking audacity to say that the smoking ruin of an economy over which he is presiding, and which his far-Left policies created, is actually doing great.

That speech was just before gas hit a national average of $5 a gallon and inflation soared to 8.6%. No wonder Biden would rather tout “unemployment remaining at a near-historic low of 3.6%.” Besides, don’t worry. Biden says that high prices “are a real problem for people,” but “because of the enormous progress we’ve made on the economy, Americans can tackle inflation from a position of strength.”

Biden claimed, with a straight face, that “today, thanks to the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my administration put into action, America has achieved the most robust recovery in modern history just two years removed from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” You thought Old Joe was heading us into another Great Depression, but he’s here to tell you that he has just led us out of one, and he wouldn’t lie to us, now, would he?

As for all those jobs Biden has “created,” Spencer notes, “He did not acknowledge, and has never acknowledged, that these new jobs his policies have supposedly created are for the most part people returning to work after the COVID hysteria, and nothing to do with his policies at all.”

Biden’s lying didn’t stop there. “Since I took office,” he claimed, “families are carrying less debt; their average savings are up. A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found that more Americans feel financially comfortable than at any time since the survey began in 2013.” Really? More Americans feel financially comfortable with gas prices through the roof, food prices not far behind, baby formula nearly impossible to find and more food shortages coming, and dire warnings that much, much worse is coming soon?

Polling reflects Americans’ worry about all things economy. “But Old Joe is oblivious to all this, or hopes that we are.”

Spencer concludes:

So why is everyone feeling anxious, as even Biden admitted? Well, Biden said, it’s all because of the “Putin price hike.” Of course! The Democrats have been blaming the Russians for nearly everything, real and imagined, since 2016. Why stop now? Clearer heads than Old Joe’s would counsel caution in that, not wanting to get us embroiled in a world war. But clearly Joe has no worries. Our booming economy will overwhelm those Russkis in no time! If only we could all live inside Joe’s head, where everything is swell. But there is so very, very little space there.

Read the whole thing here.