The Patriot Post® · The Bully Pulpit

By Roger Helle ·

The term “bully pulpit” has been around for a very long time. In recent years, it has taken on a whole new dimension. It was once used to describe a person of authority who has the opportunity to speak out on a particular issue. It’s most commonly used to refer to the president of the United States and his ability to sway public opinion.

Today, Joe Biden uses his bully pulpit to blame Americans for pretty much anything that goes wrong. We apparently lack the ability to understand all the great things he is doing for us ungrateful minions. He’s upset that his poll numbers are in the toilet when he says he’s doing a fantastic job. After all, we have the best economy in the world!

It reminds me of when Obama was president. The media was always implying that we deplorables were not “nuanced” enough to understand someone of such greatness.

Actually, most of us understood Obama very well, as we discerned the current crop of socialist/Marxist radicals. Leftists think average Americans are going to roll over and play dead as they take our freedoms away one at a time. That we refuse to surrender to them is why the hysterics have reached fever pitch.

It’s not just Biden trying to bully us. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, The Washington Post, The New York Times — all of these Democrat mouthpieces are rabidly attacking the principles of our Founding Fathers. Freedom is under assault in a manner I’ve never seen in my lifetime.

I’ve tried to not lump all Democrats in with the far Left of the party. I moved south 28 years ago. I remember “blue dog Democrats” who loved America and the opportunities this nation affords everyone. But now the party has become so radical that it can’t be ignored. To those few Democrats who still love America, when are you going to have the courage to stand up and say, “Enough”? Will you watch the Left lead your party off the cliff, taking you with them?

Are you okay with the Democrats using mob violence to get their way? Was it okay when hundreds of riots were condoned after the death of a longtime criminal because of one bad cop? Was the nearly $2 billion of property damage, looting, and dozens of people killed okay because of one man’s actions? Is threatening to intimidate, assault, or even kill Supreme Court justices and possibly even their children okay if it allows the continued murdering of unborn babies to be legal?

It’s time for us to stand up to the continual assault on our values, freedom, and faith. America is the greatest nation on earth. The majority of us are good people. We are not racists, no matter how many times the Left shouts it.

After saying all this, don’t be discouraged. I’m seeing a wave of Patriotic Americans all over this nation who are getting fed up with being bullied by the Left. They are rightly angered by the indoctrination of our children in education. They’re sickened by the Rainbow Mafia trying to seduce our children. A lot of work needs to be done. We need to work, vote, and pray. And we who call ourselves Christians cannot sit out our elections. You can make a difference!

Something to pray about!