The Patriot Post® · Creepy Joe and Ashley Biden's Diary

By Nate Jackson ·

Many, if not most, Americans who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 did so because they thought he was a decent guy and a vast character upgrade over Donald Trump. Those people were grossly deceived, emphasis on gross.

Back in November, the FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid of the home of Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe looking for the “stolen” diary of Biden’s daughter, Ashley. If Biden knew about this raid, and assuming he didn’t order it himself, why would he even wink and nod as the FBI conducted it? As O'Keefe put it, “In what world is the alleged theft of a diary investigated by the president’s FBI and his Department of Justice?”

Perhaps because that diary contains some stuff Creepy Joe would rather we didn’t know.

Indeed, as our Thomas Gallatin wrote1 last November, “There are troubling alleged ‘excerpts’ from the diary that surfaced last year, in which Ashley Biden is said to reference childhood trauma associated with possible sexual abuse by her father.”

In one of those excerpts, first published in October 2020 and now verified by virtue of the FBI investigation and what scant media attention it finally received, Ashley reveals some serious personal trouble. “I have always been boy crazy,” she wrote. “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).”

Ya think?

Unfortunately, the public attention we thought might be brought never really materialized … until recent days. That’s because a Florida woman who found the diary at a halfway house and sold it to Project Veritas is under investigation by the FBI for that sale. Remember, the Justice Department warrants for O'Keefe’s home and other searches alleged the diary was “stolen,” per the Biden family’s report. If the recovering drug addict who says she found it under a mattress is telling the truth about the diary of another drug addict who happens to be the president’s daughter, those DOJ warrants were based on a lie. The current FBI investigation of the sale certainly seems to indicate that.

Stealing a diary is not a federal crime. Neither is selling one you found.

But back to the revelations. Ashley was old enough to remember these showers, which prompted Tucker Carlson to pose this question: “If you are the father of daughters, ask yourself, is there any explanation for that behavior that is justifiable?” He answers his own question: “There’s not. It’s sick and it’s horrifying.”

He added, “If that’s not child molestation, it is definitely close enough to justify a police visit.” Not of the journalists who uncovered it — which is what actually happened — but of the man responsible for, by his own daughter’s implication, abusing her in such a way that influenced her drug and sex addictions later in life.

No wonder other journalists aren’t covering this story. Not only are they firmly on Team Democrat, but they don’t want a pre-dawn FBI raid at their homes.

Again, voters were told by a wagon-circling media machine that Joe Biden is a good guy. Don’t worry about that drug- and sex-addicted daughter of his. Don’t worry about the drug- and sex-addicted son of his and all those corrupt business dealings with the “Big Guy” that his left-behind laptop revealed. (Sidebar: What is it with these Biden kids running around abandoning incriminating material?) Don’t worry about the fact that Hunter Biden2 represented other governments in Washington without registration. Don’t worry that Hunter’s sister-in-law-turned-lover tossed3 his illegally obtained4 .38 revolver in the trash or made him, by his own complaint, look like an “abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies.”

Remember, for a moment, that October 2016 revelation about Donald Trump spouting vulgar locker room talk about “grabbing” women by the you-know-what. Remember Stormy Daniels, the prostitute with whom Trump allegedly had sex, and Karen McDougal5, with whom he allegedly had an affair. How much media attention was given to those things? (Deservedly so, by the way, as they demonstrated Trump’s appalling personal character.)

Fast-forward to 2020 when Biden was sold as a “good Catholic6” with a heartwarming and heart-breaking family story and a vastly superior moral man to Trump. He is, in fact, none of those things.

The BIG Lie, of course, was that in order to help Biden get elected, the Leftmedia covered up or denied all these things about not just his children but about a woman named Tara Reade, who accused Biden of rape7. When a man is photographed in public on countless occasions engaged in bizarrely uncomfortable poses with women, is accused of rape, and his daughter says he took showers with her, don’t you think that merits some media attention?

Some of us knew Biden deserved every bit of that “Creepy Joe” moniker. The tragedy is that millions of Americans were not informed of these facts before casting their ballots for him, and that is gross dereliction of duty on the part of what should be a free press providing a check on people in power.
