The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·


“If our social conditions curtail manhood and womanhood, we must alter the social conditions. We must not go on quietly in a corner making men unmanly and women unwomanly, that they may fit into their filthy and slavish civilization.” —G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)


“Don’t [pro-abortion protestors] realize the irony of this? The reason why you are here is because at some point, your mother was pro-choice. And that’s why you, my dears, are here. Otherwise, you would not be. I’m telling you, our country is confused, and it’s grotesque.” —Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears

“We’ve left God behind, plain and simple. And I don’t know what we’re going to do because we keep calling on him only when there is a crisis, and he’s probably saying, ‘Don’t you know me at any other time?’” —Winsome Sears

“Fathers are important. We know that, but we have emasculated our men. We have said fathers are not important, and we have government programs that remove fathers from the home, and this is one of the reasons why our black community has been destroyed.” —Winsome Sears

“Everybody knows that the family is the bedrock of any society because it is in the family that the child learns how to be — how to be cultivated, how to be mannerly, how to have values. And if we don’t have that, then things go awry. And you see, our society, our children, are looking for meaning.” —Winsome Sears

For the Record

“Here’s a tip to the GOP. When you’re talking to the American people, don’t talk like you’re defending ExxonMobil or some other giant corporation on the stock exchange. Put the American people first. Talk about the pain Biden’s policies are inflicting on the American people. Your pain at the pump is Joe Biden’s plan. Tell them that Biden has declared war on hard-working Americans, on truckers, on farmers, on local taxpayers and the American workers in our energy industries.” —Gary Bauer

“Diversity is fine in the energy side of things. It’s good to have a portion of your energy that comes from wind. It’s good to have a portion that comes from solar. But you must have a baseload of energy to keep the lights on when the wind doesn’t blow and when the sun doesn’t shine. And that’s going to happen. So, to face up to that, fossil fuels are going to be a very important part of that. And nuclear.” —former Energy Secretary Rick Perry

“Some critics argue that the only way red-flag laws can work is for them to be deployed far more aggressively. But at what cost? Without extremely robust due process safeguards, that would inevitably strip a great number of innocent people of their constitutional rights. … The sweeping use of red-flag laws to withhold Second Amendment rights from anyone with the social characteristics common to mass shooters is akin to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s order to round up hundreds of thousands of Americans of Japanese descent in order to prevent espionage or sabotage during the war against Japan. Some terrible outcomes might indeed be prevented, but at the price of lost liberties on a wide scale.” —Jeff Jacoby

Friendly Fire

“If you could pull out the working class, you’ve got people who are very well educated and very well off. Those people talk funny. ‘Latinx’? I’ve never met a ‘latinx.’ I’ve never met a ‘BIPOC.’ … Nobody talks that way at the barber shop, the nail salon, the grocery store, the community center, but that’s how [Democrats] talk now. So that’s weird. And then the people who are very low down on the economic ladder need a bunch of stuff. You wind up overpromising — ‘Oh, we gotta give you reparations’ — to people at the bottom of the economic ladder, talking weird to appeal to the people at the top of the economic ladder, and the working class walks away from you. That is the danger we’re facing. ” —Van Jones

Braying Jenny

“This is the United States of America, where freedom and liberty are supposed to mean something. It’s the rock upon which we were founded. It is supposed to mean something. Except in the eyes of some Neanderthals who say, ‘Women are not entitled to those rights.’” —New York Governor Kathy Hochul


“We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy.” —Hillary Clinton

Non Compos Mentis Award

“I’m 100% supportive of trans inclusion. People do not know very much about it. We’re missing almost everything. Frankly, I think what a lot of people know is versions of the right’s talking points because they’re very loud. They’re very consistent, and they’re relentless. … We’re talking about kids. We’re talking about people’s lives. We’re talking about the entire state government coming down on one child in some states, three children in some states. They are committing suicide, because they are being told that they’re gross and different and evil and sinful and they can’t play sports with their friends that they grew up with. Not to mention trying to take away health care. I think it’s monstrous. … I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important. It’s not more important than any one kid’s life.” —soccer player Megan Rapinoe

Trump Derangement Syndrome

“I think that this show really took a change when Trump got in, ‘cause we used to have more laughs before he got into office. … As somebody who is such a threat to democracy … it became very important that we convey what we felt and thought and read about to the audience. And so it became a completely different show.” —"The View" co-host Joy Behar