Liz Cheney Begs Democrats to Rig Wyoming Primary
In a desperate attempt to remain in office, Wyoming’s lone congressional representative has sunk to a new low.
It’s official: Liz Cheney is a threat to our democracy.
No, she’s not a fake threat like the kind the Democrats shriek about every time the Republicans try to uphold the rule of law or secure our elections, but a real threat of the kind that calls into question the legitimacy of our elections. How else to describe a politician who begs her political opponents to change their party affiliation solely for the purpose of voting for her in a primary election that she’s poised to lose in a landslide? As the Washington Examiner reports:
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is sending mailers to Wyoming Democrats with instructions on how to switch their political parties ahead of the state’s primary in August. News of the mailers comes as Cheney faces a tough primary challenge by Harriet Hageman, who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump, while the incumbent helps lead a summer slate of hearings held by the Jan. 6 committee.
The instructions, which are also available on Cheney’s campaign website, provide answers to two questions: “How do I change my party affiliation to register as a Republican so I can vote for Liz?” and “How can I get an absentee ballot and when does it need to be returned?”
“HOW DO I CHANGE MY PARTY AFFILIATION TO REGISTER AS A REPUBLICAN SO I CAN VOTE FOR LIZ?” blares that disgraceful section of her website. But it’s even worse than that: Her campaign is actually sending mailers to Wyoming Democrats with instructions on how to switch political parties ahead of the primary vote in August.
It seems odd to say that Wyoming, long one of the reddest of the red states and more recently one of the Trumpiest of the Trump states, is now represented by a Trump-deranged turncoat. It’d have been one thing if Cheney had maintained her partly principled but mostly personal opposition to Donald Trump and simply made that case to her constituents. Instead, she went full Pelosi, joining the Democrats’ ridiculously rigged January 6 Committee to serve as a “Republican” stooge after the House speaker had taken the unprecedented — yes, unprecedented in our nation’s history — step of denying the minority party its chosen representation on the committee.
We take no pleasure in saying it, but if ever a Republican deserved the title “useful idiot,” it’s Liz Cheney.
These days, she isn’t even voting like a conservative. As Florida Republican Matt Gaetz put it on Wednesday: “When Liz Cheney isn’t betraying Wyoming voters with her J6 spectacle, she is betraying our troops. Liz has no problem sending them to die in wars for her donors. Tonight, she’s voting with Dems in favor of military vax mandates and against considerations for Natural Immunity.”
That’s a shameful vote, an inexcusable vote, a disqualifying vote.
We should note that an attack from Gaetz is an interesting one, given that he too will have to face his constituents. He’s been accused by his political enemies of having had sex with a 17-year-old girl and paying for sex, charges that he denies. One thing Gaetz hasn’t done, though, is turn on his party and its standard-bearer. Indeed, he’s the polar opposite of Cheney: He’s a diehard Trump supporter.
As for Cheney, this is a desperate ploy, a last-ditch effort to save her political skin. But to what end? She’s loathed by her Republican constituents back home, and she’s of no use to the Democrats beyond her politically convenient Trump hatred. Recent polling has her trailing primary challenger Harriet Hageman 56-28, and an astounding 71% of Wyoming Republicans say they’ll vote against her.
“Liz Cheney promised she wouldn’t encourage Democrats to raid the Republican primary,” said Hageman’s campaign manager, Carly Miller, “but then again, she also swore to faithfully represent Wyoming and she broke that promise too.”
What’s more to be said?