The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Biden's God Is Big Government

By Political Editors ·

“Progressives” are united in their unshakeable faith in the government. Have a problem? There’s a government program to help. And, as Don Feder writes, “You can’t argue with a man about his religion. All you’ll do is aggravate him.”

For President Joe Biden, the government is God. Though nominally a Catholic, his Trinity is spending, taxes and new programs. That’s why nothing will deter him from the course he’s on — including the prospect of his party getting a shellacking in the midterm election.

The president refuses to believe that anything he’s done has caused inflation — that includes his scorched-earth war on domestic energy production (now down by one-third from when he took office) and flooding the country with trillions in so-called COVID-19 relief money.

For the president, it’s all “Putin’s price hike,” gouging gas stations and greedy oil companies. But inflation was already running at 7.5% when Russia invaded Ukraine on February 23.

Before the Biden presidency, inflation was running at a stable rate of 1.4%. Now it’s 8.6%, the highest in 40 years. The average household paid an extra $460 last month, due to rising prices.

The public knows who’s to blame.

Feder points to polling that is dire for Biden, and justifiably so. He also notes that Biden argues the public is “confused,” “frustrated,” and “not focused.” Meaning the hoi polloi just don’t understand how great he is.

Mr. Biden’s mindset is a product of the post-McGovern Democratic Party. His half-a-century in Washington (including his 36 years in the Senate) may be seen as a form of service to his god.

Part of this dedication is due to the fact that:

Except for a few years after law school, the president never worked in the private sector. He never had to meet a payroll, manage a workforce or be evaluated on his job performance. In the milieu in which he existed for almost his entire adult life, the government could never get large enough, take enough of people’s incomes or find enough ways to control their lives.

This is the religion that drives his administration.

And regardless of the detrimental effects Biden’s policies have on the economy, “nothing is ever enough.” The American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure bill, the defunct Build Back Better — all had the common theme of wasting taxpayer money on leftist boondoggles. To “pay for it,” Biden wants to raise your taxes.

Feder concludes with other examples:

Besides more pandemic spending, the administration would go hog-wild on climate change. There’s actually more for the electric car industry in the infrastructure package ($174 billion) than for roads and bridges ($115 billion).

The president’s 2023 budget is larded with new spending for child care, paid leave, abortion (under Title X), renewable energy and gender ideology. He wants to spend on everything — except defense, law enforcement and the border.

The president is exercising his First Amendment right to practice his religion. But his religion is killing the rest of us.

Read the whole thing here.