The Patriot Post® · There Cannot Be a Two-Tiered Justice System

By Roger Helle ·

It was late June, 1989, and my second trip back to Vietnam since the war. The massacre of students in China’s Tiananmen Square had just happened. The political tension was so thick you could feel it everywhere.

I encountered Dr. Hoa, a medical doctor who was a former high-ranking Viet Cong official. It was quite an experience. She and her husband were founding members of the National Liberation Front, also known as the Viet Cong. When the Tet Offensive of 1968 occurred, rather than a citizens’ revolt against the South Vietnamese government, the Viet Cong were devastated by American and South Vietnamese forces.

Fortunately for the leftist anti-war protestors, well-respected journalist Walter Cronkite threw the victory to the communists. This started the downward spiral of the war, leading to the fall of South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This tragedy also led to the deaths of millions at the hands of the communist victors.

Dr. Hoa was a hero to the communists in the South. However, after the war she spoke out against the brutality of the communist regime that swept the Viet Cong leadership aside, taking total control of the government. Dr. Hoa said she thought she was fighting for reunification of the country, not totalitarianism. She hoped for unity, not oppression. Sound familiar? Joe Biden, call your office. Her candidness led to her being sent to prison.

Her story was significant because she was a hero. Public outcry of her treatment led to her being released from prison early. We met other former communist soldiers who were imprisoned for speaking out against the oppression of the new government.

But that can’t happen here, right? This is the United States, once known as the greatest nation on earth; known for justice and hope for the oppressed; a beacon of hope for the hopeless. Free speech is guaranteed to us … or once was.

As we celebrated the 4th of July this week, we need to be diligent to ensure those freedoms bought at such a price of our nation’s blood and treasure are not lost. It was not that long ago when people could agree to disagree with opposing political views and stay friends. Those days are long gone. President “Unity” has made sure of that.

Disagree with seemingly unethical, possibly illegal, voting results and you will be targeted for destruction. You voted for Donald Trump? You’re the vilest person on earth and need to be destroyed. You’re white? Well, we won’t even go there, but you better learn to grovel to the Left.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vilifies Republicans. Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer threatens Supreme Court justices with violence if they don’t vote the way he wants. And on and on it goes. The justice system protects the guilty if they are of the Democrat Party. There cannot be a two-tiered justice system. It’s been said before by many people, but these freedoms, once lost, may never be obtained again.

I almost feel sorry for the radicals the Left employs to do its dirty work. Hitler murdered all the blackshirts. Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot in paranoia murdered their inner circle once they served their purpose as “useful idiots.” Think I’m kidding? Try to find a monument in Vietnam anywhere dedicated to Jane Fonda!

Something to pray about!