The Patriot Post® · The Utterly Powerless President

By Douglas Andrews ·

The Biden presidency is in dire straits. And as we forecasted1 just a few weeks ago, the long knives are now coming out for him.

What’s remarkable, though, is the sense of surprise in the comments of angry and disillusioned Democrats who can’t believe what’s happening to their guy. “It’s infuriating,” said2 one anonymous top Democrat strategist. “Our house is on fire, and it seems like they’re doing nothing to put the fire out. They’re just watching it with the rest of us.”

Here’s another harsh take3, this one from Democrat consultant Adam Jentleson: “There is a leadership vacuum right now, and he’s not filling it. I sympathize with the argument that there’s very little they can do legislatively. But in moments of crisis, the president is called upon to be a leader. And when people are feeling scared and angry and outraged, they look to him for that, and they’re not getting much.”

CNN talker Bakari Sellers put it more succinctly: “I’m not sure what he’s doing. I can tell you what he ain’t doing.”

These folks had better buckle up. Unless the party’s powerbrokers can find a way to yank him off stage medically, Joe Biden still has two and a half years left in his presidency. (It’s no laughing matter, but we’re reminded of what H.L. Mencken once said: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” Biden voters are indeed getting it good and hard — just like the rest of us.)

If only those (ahem) 81 million folks had pondered The Patriot Post4 before heading off to the polls on November 3, 2020, we’d have saved them a lot of Maalox — and our country a lot of woe. This was part of our warning on Election Day:

Joe Biden simply isn’t the man he was when he first ran for president more than 30 years ago. And he isn’t the man he was when Barack Obama tabbed him as his VP a dozen years ago. He was 65 then, and he was eligible for Social Security. He’s 77 now [actually 79 and counting], and he looks and sounds and behaves like a man a decade older than that. …

Never before has a major party’s presidential nominee made himself so unavailable to the people and the press for such a prolonged period of time. Two weeks ago, the New York Post broke a story about the Biden family’s influence peddling and enrichment schemes in Ukraine, communist China, and elsewhere. The Post’s reporting was supported by the existence of a laptop computer belonging to Biden’s son, Hunter — a laptop whose deeply compromising contents have never been seriously challenged. And yet Joe Biden never answered for any of this — at least not beyond a ridiculous claim that the entire affair was part of a “Russian smear campaign.”

We also noted that while Joe Biden was hiding from the press and running out the clock in his Delaware basement, Donald Trump was finishing his reelection campaign with a remarkable 14 rallies in seven states in three days.

Recent polling indicates that Biden’s cat is fully out of the bag. A new Harvard-Harris poll5 shows that 60% of respondents think Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president against only 40% who believe otherwise. (Just who are these people who still think this guy is of sound mind?) That margin grows to 64-36 when the question is whether Biden is too old to serve as president.

Another poll5 shows what folks think about a second Biden term: Just 29% of Americans want him to run for reelection.

And yet another poll6 shows that 85% of Americans think our country is headed in the wrong direction. “And,” as columnist Liz Peek points out7, “that’s with a robust job market. Yes, things could get worse.”

Even The Washington Post’s Jeff Bezos has taken to calling out8 the disinformation in the White House’s tweets.

Regarding the Biden buyer’s remorse, the Wall Street Journal editorial board gives us a sense9 of how bad it’s become among Democrats: “It seems they’re disappointed that the one-time scrapper from Scranton isn’t the chief executive they thought he’d be — and, after 18 months of a united front, they are finally venting their frustration in public. … Sorry, Mr. President. The party needed you to beat Donald Trump, and you made the mistake of adopting the left’s agenda. Now that you’re down in the polls, you’re expendable.”

Joe Biden is utterly powerless. He’s been consumed by events. He’s adrift. Which is why perhaps the most frustrating advice of all comes from National Review, which is telling us to sell, sell, sell10: “The word is definitely out that the president’s stock is going to zero — and it’s time to get out while you still can.”

If only it were that simple.
