The Patriot Post® · America's Moral Compass Is Broken

By Roger Helle ·

My, how far the progressive agenda has brought us. What were we thinking before the leftists made everything better? How can we ever thank them for all they’ve done? I’ll answer that later on.

Where do I begin? There’s so much we can give them credit for. Before President Johnson launched his “Great Society,” the black family was intact and literacy rates were higher than today. Women were not just “birthing people.” Fathers took responsibility for the children they procreated. There were more intact families across all races where the father was present.

American education was the envy of the world. We knew which bathrooms to use. We could call people by their God-given name instead of their preferred pronouns. Women won events in women’s sports. Marriage was between a man and a woman, as had been the norm for several thousand years. Homosexuality has always been there, but they didn’t try to kill you if you refused to accept their lifestyle because of your biblical standards.

The Constitution was the framework for our laws. It was never a perfect system because it was written by imperfect people. We had laws that protected people from violent felons. The clergy, teachers, police, and parents were respected. Our military was feared by our enemies and respected by our friends.

The Left has been working for over 100 years to implement what we’re seeing today. Since the presidency of Barack Obama, progressives have made huge strides to, as Obama said, fundamentally transform the country. We are no longer “E Pluribus Unum” — out of many, one. We’re warring tribes divided against each other.

Words no longer mean what they once did. They can be changed to suit the Left’s purpose at any moment in time. Criminals are no longer considered “bad people.” Citizens who object to those who rob us, beat us, and steal from us are the problem. It’s because of “fairness” that they should be allowed to terrorize us; because some hundreds of years ago, according to our brilliant member of Congress, Ilhan Omar, “Some people did something!”

So now, a Christian baker, florist, and photographer need to have their livelihoods destroyed because they dared to practice their faith in the way they did business. Judges, even Supreme Court justices, have to make decisions based not on the Constitution or the Rule of Law but on how Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want them to vote. Otherwise, you judges will reap the whirlwind, according to Schumer.

Abortion is the latest issue that has progressives foaming at the mouth. Anyone who knows how our system of government is supposed to work knows that what is not specifically spelled out to be done by the federal government is delegated back to the states. It’s called federalism. You progressives should read up on it sometime. You should also read the Constitution. Pelosi is constantly saying she’s saving democracy. First of all, we’re a Republic. Secondly, I doubt she even knows what the Constitution says. She and her cohorts abuse it constantly.

So, as I said earlier, how do we thank progressives for what they have done? We don’t! Pray, seek godly leadership, and vote the progressives out of office. We have the numbers if everyone shows up and votes!

Something to pray about!