The Patriot Post® · Liars Gonna Lie!

By Roger Helle ·

We have to be grateful to have such an awesome president as Joe Biden. He’s accomplished some amazing things. Recall his first presidential campaign in 1987, when a man asked Biden a question and Joe went postal on him. Here’s how Biden responded.

Regarding being the first in his family to go to college (not really), he laid into the poor guy: “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I ended up in the top half of my class. I was [an] outstanding student in my political department at the end of the year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school.”

What an accomplished man! Okay, so none of that was true — he actually ranked 76 out of a class of 85, but you have to admire his self-esteem, right? If you follow his career, Biden has had some amazing experiences. On the 2020 campaign trail, he talked about marching in the civil rights movement (he didn’t). Moreover, he was once arrested in South Africa trying to see the recently released Nelson Mandela (nope).

His résumé includes driving a semi, being appointed to Annapolis, and rubbing shoulders with some very important people. Every one of these stories is a lie. His first presidential campaign was torpedoed by Biden himself. He gave a speech in which he plagiarized UK Labour Party member Neil Kinnock nearly word for word. He lied about it continually, and to this day he continues to lie about things proven to be lies years ago. He can’t seem to help himself.

On the 2020 campaign trail, he verbally assaulted a young woman who apparently asked a question that someone of such greatness shouldn’t be asked. Biden responded by calling her a liar and a “dog-faced pony soldier.” Not sure if he got her vote? He got into an argument with a heavier gentleman and wanted to do a pushup contest to display his physical manhood.

Just last week, President “Unity” went to an empty lot (not great optics) to give his “We’re all gonna die because of climate change” speech. He blamed the oil industry in his home state of Delaware for giving him and so many others cancer. A moving story, except back in April he gave the same speech, blaming pollution for giving him and so many friends asthma! Which is it, Joe? Asthma or cancer? Maybe both. Toss in a little dementia and we have the man who won the confidence of 81 million voters. Eighty million people can’t be wrong, can they? (Insert sarcasm here.)

I’ve said this before, but when people tell you who they are, believe them! Obama told us who he was, but we didn’t listen. Biden told us he was going to destroy our economy. Once again, people didn’t listen. The man occupying the Oval Office is hurting everyone, not just conservatives!

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and the truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart and in time depraves all of its good dispositions.” —President Thomas Jefferson

Something to think about!