The Patriot Post® · Dems Push for Supreme Court Term Limits

By Brian Mark Weber ·

When they’re winning, Democrats love the Supreme Court. When they’re losing, not so much.

Over the course of many decades, the High Court issued one judicial fiat after another in favor of the Left. And they revered this activism, this tendency to legislate from the bench.

Now, however, with some major rulings having gone the other way, Democrats want to change the rules. If this were a baseball game and they were losing in the late innings, they’d push for a change in the rules that would give them extra outs. Anything to win.

Of course, this isn’t fun and games. For the Democrats, it’s about power. Total power. And they’ll do anything to get it, even if it means chipping away at our constitutional system or turning it over altogether.

And what would Democrats do with all that power? “The answer is simple,” writes John Fund in National Review. “They want the virtually unlimited power that control of all three branches of government would give them. The next time elections give them control of the White House and a workable majority control of Congress, they will also want control of the U.S. Supreme Court. With control of the Court, they could adopt measures that the current majority of the Court would probably consider unconstitutional.”

A future Democrat majority would end the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and then swiftly begin chipping away at the Second Amendment, reversing the recent Court rulings on abortion and religious freedom, abolishing the Electoral College, giving the federal government control over redistricting and elections, protecting university admissions based on race, granting statehood to Puerto Rico and DC while collecting four new Democrat senators, and many others.

In other words, they’d use the Supreme Court as a legislature that’s not answerable to the people. It’s called tyranny.

But they’re not waiting for that future Democrat majority. Unlike Republicans who can’t see the forest for the trees, Democrats always think ahead. And they’re already putting pieces into place for a long-term power grab.

Their latest idea comes in the form of a bill just introduced in the House by Georgia Democrat Hank Johnson. Known as the Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization Act (TERM), it’s essentially a bill that would give total authority to the president to appoint two justices in the first and third year after a presidential election, force the most senior justice to retire when a new justice is appointed, and mandate justices into semi-retirement in order of seniority.

Not surprisingly, the first to go would be the most stalwart conservative on the High Court: Clarence Thomas. As the Washington Examiner notes: “The longest-serving justice on the court, which is presently Thomas, would be moved to senior status first under the proposal. The measure would aim to have justices serve a maximum of 18 years on the court to which they would retire from active service and assume senior status, a term which is typically used to describe semi-retirement for federal judges.”

Envisioning a future in which they have a permanent majority in the White House and Congress, this plan would eventually weed out moderate or conservative justices and create a Supreme Court that serves the Democrat Party. Democrats aren’t worried about replacing a justice every two years, as they assume national demographics will give them the electoral advantage they need to stay in power for decades.

The good news is that the bill faces an uphill battle.

As The Guardian reports: “The bill is unlikely to pass. Republicans have vigorously shot down any attempts to change the makeup of the Supreme Court. Even if the measure passed the Democratic-controlled House, it would probably die in the Senate, where it would need the vote of 10 Republicans in addition to all Democrats to overcome the filibuster.”

Clearly, the Democrats are on the move. And as Barack Obama boasted back in 2008, they’re bent on “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” As a result, Republicans need to start taking matters seriously. That means fighting for every House and Senate seat in 2022 and winning back the White House in 2024. That’s the only way we can save the Constitution for another generation.