The Patriot Post® · Stuck in the Past

By Gary Bauer ·

The Biden State Department announced Thursday that it is offering a $10 million reward for any information that proves how Russian interests interfered in the 2016 election that resulted in Donald Trump’s election.

Now think about what that says about how the left fights compared to how we fight.

They spent the first two years of Trump’s administration undermining our democracy by constantly telling the American people that Donald Trump and Russia colluded together to defeat Hillary Clinton.

Major Democrats like Adam Schiff went on national TV shows Sunday after Sunday and knowingly lied. He said, “We have proof of collusion, and when we release it the American people will be shocked.” It was all a lie.

Not only did Trump not collude with Russia, Russians colluded with Hillary to smear Trump and weaken his administration. So, it was Hillary and the Democrats who colluded with a foreign enemy to take down a duly-elected president.

In 2020, we had an election with more irregularities and more mail-in voting than any time in our history. Laws were ignored. Rules were changed. There were bizarre pauses in ballot counting. There was massive censorship and suppression of real news, i.e., the Hunter Biden laptop.

Millions of Americans believe it was a corrupt election. Now two years later, virtually every Republican of consequence, certainly in the leadership, has been browbeaten into saying that there is no evidence of corruption.

And now, after Republicans have surrendered on 2020, Democrats want to go back and relitigate the 2016 election!

By the way, elements of the Biden Administration have said they are deeply concerned that Russia may be interfering in the 2022 election. Of course, there’s no proof offered. Why would they be saying that?

Well, if Democrats end up getting clobbered in November, and there’s no guarantee of that, I’ll guarantee you they will try to delegitimize this election by telling the American people that McConnell, McCarthy and the RNC colluded with Putin to take the Congress away from the Democrats because they are fighting Putin so hard in Ukraine!