The Patriot Post® · 'Nothing to See Here' in Muslim Serial Murders

By Emmy Griffin ·

When will the Democrats learn that not everything is racist? Probably never; it’s been too good of a cudgel.

Democrats were ready with their usual accusations of Islamophobia and racist-based accusations after a potential serial killer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, made it to national headlines. The response was predictable and immediate.

After the fourth killing of a young man on August 1, Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) gave1 the racism narrative with a tweet2: “Muhammad Afzaal Hussain was a pillar in the UNM community and an incredible force for good. I’m very concerned by law enforcement reports that his murder may be linked to two other murders of Muslim men in Albuquerque. Racist, hate-fueled violence has no place in New Mexico.”

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris quickly jumped on the “hate” bandwagon.

Biden said3: “I am angered and saddened by the horrific killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque. While we await a full investigation, my prayers are with the victims’ families, and my Administration stands strongly with the Muslim community. These hateful attacks have no place in America.”

Harris similarly remarked4: “I am deeply disturbed by the killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque. As law enforcement continues to investigate these heinous attacks, we remain clear that we stand with the Muslim community in New Mexico and around our country. Hate has no place in America.”

Sadly5 for these politicians (but happily for the community of Albuquerque), the alleged killer does not fit their assumed profile. The prime suspect whom the authorities are holding is actually a 51-year-old Afghan immigrant who may have known each of his victims personally. As of right now, police only have evidence tracing him to the two most recent killings. It is reasonable to deduce that the other two killings — also ambush shootings — were his work as well.

While a motive has yet to be determined, it is speculated that the perpetrator is a Sunni Muslim; all the victims were Shiite. These two branches of Islam have long been embroiled in conflict with one another.

The perp also has a history of domestic violence and cruelty against his daughter’s Shiite husband6, leading authorities to speculate that these were honor killings. According to Britannica7: “These crimes take place throughout the world and are not limited to one specific religion or faith. However, they have rather significantly and consistently occurred in various parts of the Middle East and South Asia, with nearly half of all honor killings occurring in India and Pakistan.”

It may be a serial murder according to our definition, but it is a culturally relevant form of justice in the part of the world where this alleged criminal is from.

Why did these Democrats and others immediately assume that the serial killer was a white supremacist? The FBI points out these facts8 about serial killers:

  • The development of a serial killer involves a combination of these factors, which exist together in a rare confluence in certain individuals. They have the appropriate biological predisposition, molded by their psychological makeup, which is present at a critical time in their social development.

  • There are no specific combinations of traits or characteristics shown to differentiate serial killers from other violent offenders.

  • There is no generic template for a serial killer.

  • Serial killers are driven by their own unique motives or reasons.

  • Serial killers are not limited to any specific demographic group, such as their sex, age, race, or religion.

  • The majority of serial killers who are sexually motivated erotized violence during development. For them, violence and sexual gratification are inexplicably intertwined in their psyche.

It seems the real racism is the fact that these politicians saw the victims were in the minority and therefore it must have been a majority race committing the crimes.

This case will fade into the local obscurity of New Mexico’s largest city because, much to the chagrin of leftists, these killings don’t fit the racist narrative or fuel the cry of systemic injustice. Instead, these killings highlight the ages-long conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and possibly the cultural tradition of honor killings.

We won’t be hearing anymore about this man and his victims; those ardent defenders of “social justice” in Biden’s administration will wait for another opportunity to exploit the racism narrative.
