The Patriot Post® · 'Men Can Get Pregnant,' Say 1 in 4 Dems

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Are Democrats collectively becoming more insane? Given the results of a recent survey, the answer appears to be in the affirmative.

In the survey conducted by WPA Intelligence1 in late August, Democrats were asked if they agreed with the statement “Some men can get pregnant.” Astoundingly, almost a quarter (22%) of Democrats agreed with the statement. And when honing in on the Democrats’ largest demographic constituency — white, college-educated women — that percentage jumps to 36%.

Meanwhile, the vast majority of Americans still hold to the basic reality of the binary nature of sexuality that only women, the female of the human species, can get pregnant. It’s telling that the more educated these Democrats are, the more willing they are to embrace the illogical absurdity of the transgender agenda. Even more absurd is that Democrat women, who happen to be the biggest proponents of modern feminism, are those most willing to embrace an ideology that ironically does more to undercut their claims of an oppressive patriarchy than anything their invented conservative bogeymen could contrive.

It’s yet another example of how the Party of Science™ is more beholden to a political agenda than to scientific reality.

Of course, it’s not that these Democrats really believe that men can become pregnant; it’s that they have accepted the false assertion that gender is purely a societal construct that exists as an identifier completely separated from biological sex. As CNN recently explained in defense of its embrace of the transgender agenda:

Some trans men and nonbinary people can also get pregnant, as can cis girls and trans boys. This is also true in the opposite: Not all women are able to get pregnant. Some cis women struggle with fertility, while trans women lack uteruses. Opting for gender-neutral terms such as “people” or “patients” allows for these nuances in a way that just saying “women” does not.

This also explains why the newest U.S. Supreme Court justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, during her Senate confirmation hearings refused to answer a genuinely simple question: “What is a woman?” Jackson attempted to play off being unable to answer the question with the quip2, “I’m not a biologist.” Ironically, Jackson (likely unintentionally) undercut the erroneous claim upon which the entire “transgender” ideology is built — that one’s biological sex does not determine one’s gender identity. If it takes a biologist to determine what a woman is, then gender must have something to do with a person’s biological sex.

The deeper issue behind the “transgender” crusade is not really about gender identity or biological sex at all. Rather, it’s a battle over who gets to define reality and truth to broader society. Increasingly for Democrats, it’s a class of educated “experts” that knows better than the rest of us and therefore should be ruling over the American public without accountability.
