The Patriot Post® · The Filibuster Is at Stake

By Lewis Morris ·

The common belief earlier this year was that Republicans would run the table in the November midterms, regaining control of both chambers of Congress in an historic turnaround. That belief has been significantly tempered, and while many believe the GOP can still take the House, it appears that the Senate is now in doubt.

Democrats are emboldened. Their communications department, commonly known as the mainstream media, has helped the party of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi skillfully use the January 6 show trial, their white-hot hatred of Donald Trump, and their desire for abortion on demand and strict gun control to energize their base and distract its members from their abysmal record and the awfulness of the past two years.

We can now add to this list another rabble-rousing campaign promise: that of eliminating the filibuster. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vice President Kamala Harris are among the Dems using the filibuster as a means of rallying their base. Warren tweeted in late August, “If we elect two more pro-choice, anti-filibuster Democrats to the U.S. Senate, and if we hold onto the House, we can protect abortion rights nationwide as early as January.”

Harris added to this sentiment, saying at a private fundraiser of Democrat donors last week that President Joe Biden “will not let the filibuster get in the way.” In the way of what, precisely, she didn’t say, but we know what she meant: in the way of the Democrats passing their ruinous socialist agenda.

The theory is that if Dems can elect two new anti-filibuster senators to counteract the votes of filibuster supporters Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, they can achieve their long-held dream of removing a major obstacle to autocratic one-party rule and the trampling of minority rights.

Other Demo senators such as Arizona’s Mark Kelly, Montana’s Jon Tester, and New Hampshire’s Jeanne Shaheen have expressed reservations. That alone, however, is not enough of a guarantee that the filibuster is safe if the Democrats hold and expand their Senate majority in November. At the end of the day, all these people are still Democrats, and they are unlikely to split from their party if a large enough prize is dangled in front of them. Let’s not forget that Manchin and Sinema, and all the above-mentioned folks, ultimately voted for the Orwellian Inflation Reduction Act despite their earlier media posturing.

A recent analysis by the thoroughly partisan “nonpartisan” group Common Cause found that 17 of 18 major bills Democrats supported in Congress this session went down in flames because of the filibuster. This is actually good news, but — surprise! — neither Common Cause nor Business Insider, which was given early access to the report, saw it that way.

The filibuster is indispensable. As a legislative bulwark against mob rule, it has helped protect the integrity of our electoral process. How so? By preventing the Democrats’ HR 1 and HR 4 from becoming law and unconstitutionally stripping states of their power to manage elections. It can also keep the Democrats from federally codifying abortion on demand and same-sex marriage, both issues that are supposed to be left to the states.

If a majority of the American people believe electoral fraud should be reined in rather than expanded, and if they believe that the Left’s socialist agenda should also be reined in, then they need to turn out in droves on November 8 and vote Republican.

Without the filibuster, the Senate is no longer the cooling saucer to the House’s steaming hot, er, tea. Winning at the ballot box is the only way to protect the filibuster, and thus the only way to protect our federalist system of government.