The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “A Royal Unlike Those of Today

You could say that Queen Elizabeth “ran a tight ship.” Her dignity and quiet strength were always there to give confidence to the British people. “Stay calm and carry on,” indeed. —Pennsylvania

This was a very good article. I have always admired the Queen and am saddened by her death. I fear that King Charles III will not be able to come close to being the monarch his mother was. But, we shall see. RIP, Your Majesty. —Missouri

Let us remember her for the good she did, forgive her the things she did amiss, and be better for having had her presence in our lives. My heart goes out to her family at this sad time. It must be difficult to grieve and be so much in the public eye. Give Charles a chance. He might just surprise us all. —Montana

One can’t help but be reminded of other great leaders like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II. With their passing, and now with the death of the Queen, a hole was torn in the fabric of our civilization that has been only inadequately filled by the lesser individuals who succeeded them. God rest you, Queen Elizabeth II. —Georgia

Re: “Friday Short Cuts

Village idiots is right. So sad to see the depths to which some people have sunk to in this country. They throw blame at the Queen as if she started the colonization instead of ending it. Such hate from these leftist professors and journalists. This vitriolic hatred is why if there is a civil war in this country it will be started by them. Sad. —Illinois

Regarding the union trap, the teachers unions hire politically malleable, if not totally indoctrinated, teachers. They take the dues, remove a large portion for their own gratification, and use some of the rest to get union-friendly pols elected. These pols are not necessarily who the members want. One can vote for candidate A, while the union financially supports candidate B. There is a reason why there are no conservative teachers anymore. They are sorted out in the hiring process. The union bosses get paid high sums to do this. One hand washes the other. —Nevada

Re: “School Safety Varies Across the States

It is sad that this nation has fallen so far. We are reaping the permissiveness of the 1960s, with each generation getting more depraved. But if we must, we should have armed guards and teachers in our schools and post “This school protected by Smith and Wesson” signs instead of idiotic “gun-free zone” signs, which are an invitation to tragedy. —Pennsylvania

Re: “‘Men Can Get Pregnant,’ Say 1 in 4 Dems

A 9/9/2022 Astronomy Picture of the Day covers the two Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977. They explored our own solar system and are now outside the heliosphere. On them are LP records with images of mankind so other civilizations that discover them will know about Earth. Interestingly, a series of those images deal with how humans reproduce. Those images and their accompanying symbology show it is a man (the symbol for the Roman god Mars) and a woman (the symbol of the Roman goddess Venus) who conceive a child, and the woman carries and feeds the child. We could never convey our current wokeness on future Voyagers! —Georgia

Re: “Alexander’s Week in Review

—"Comedian" Kathy Griffin: “If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican.” I totally understand this, because the Dems always riot when they don’t get their way, as in the summer of 2020, when BLM and antifa rioted. Neither is considered conservative or Republican. So, they are saying: “Vote Republican and we will tear down your cities, or vote for us and we will leave you in peace for two years.” —Nevada

Re: “The FBI Spiked Tony Bobulinski

As a former HR manager in the federal sector, I can tell you how Thibault was “fired." His position was changed. This made him qualified for "involuntary early retirement” based on job abolishment. This comes with it a reduction in the amount of necessary time in employment to qualify for retirement benefits to include paid medical insurance, life insurance, and a fat pension for life. He was also paid for his accumulated unused vacation time, and unused sick leave was added to his credible service calculation for his pension. He was quite well rewarded for his efforts, and he is still able to get a cushy job in the private sector to pad his bank account. —Kentucky

Re: “A Climate Reality Check

Activists have been beating “The End is Near” drums for too long. Like the boy who cried wolf, their warnings only alarm ignorant, naive fools. The only “science” in climate change is political science and the mass psychology intended to dupe people into socialism and prohibit liberty. True science never agrees. Politics can be decided by majority consensus, but never science. We know politicians lie when they speak. It should be clear they’re lying when they promise things they do not have authority to deliver and when they use fear to intimidate voters. —Missouri