The Patriot Post® · Who Pushed the Self-Destruct Button?

By Roger Helle ·

Every day Tom showed up for work on his construction job. Every day at noon the workers would take their lunch break. Tom would sit down, open his lunch box, and pull out his sandwich. Every day Tom would look at his sandwich and complain: “Peanut butter sandwiches! Peanut butter sandwiches! I hate peanut butter sandwiches!”

After weeks of this, one of the men finally said to him, “Why don’t you tell your wife to make you something else?” Tom replied angrily: “You leave my wife out of this. I pack my own lunch!”

We laugh at this, but if we put it into the context of what’s happening to our country, we, like Tom, are doing it to ourselves. Election after election, we keep sending the same people back to Washington, DC, to represent us, which for the most part doesn’t happen. I’m talking about both parties, Republican and Democrat. The congressmen and senators who seem to be fighting for our country’s future are vastly outnumbered by “do-nothings.”

Election after election, we whine and complain that nothing changes. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result. And it grieves my heart to see friends who say they love God and are Christians but vote for people who do not have the same values they do; people who actually work to destroy all we value and cherish. Even worse are those who don’t vote at all.

I believe there are two reasons for this, so I’m going to offer my opinion — and when you get to Heaven, you’ll see I was right! (Just kidding.) First, far too many Americans believe the news sources they listen to regularly. To quote Denzel Washington: “If you don’t read newspapers, your uninformed. If you do read the news, you’re misinformed.” We’re too lazy to do our due diligence, checking how our elected officials vote. We believe what we hear.

How can anyone trust the mainstream media after how it blatantly lied to us for years? There’s not enough space to hit even a few of the major scandals that have turned out to be media lies/misinformation. When media get it wrong, they rarely go back and admit it. Why would we trust them to tell us the truth?

The media simply spouts the Left’s narrative that half of America is evil, racist, homophobic, transphobic, blah blah blah. Are we not tired of this yet? Ever since Obama entered the Oval Office, to question anything the Left does makes you a racist.

The other reason is directed to those who simply never show up to exercise a freedom that few nations on earth have as we do in America: VOTING! Are you listening to the polls that are pretty much saying, “Don’t bother, your candidate is going to lose”? Worse, you feel the system is beyond saving, so why bother? That’s why more leftists than ever are in office today — because you’ve believed a lie.

For the millions of Christians who have stayed home for the past few election cycles (over 20 million), your vote will make a difference. If even half of you show up on November 8, we will turn the tide!

Something to pray about!