The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Stacey Abrams and the Democrats’ Death Cult

Killing unborn babies to reduce inflation? What happens when we don’t have enough workers/taxpayers to pay for the old people, like Stacey Abrams, in 20-30 years because we killed too many? When will liberals begin killing the mentally retarded to reduce the cost of care and medication to reduce inflation? When will they eliminate the prosecution of “minor crimes” to keep criminals out of jail to save money? The stupid ideas will continue as long as stupid people make laws and stupid people elect the stupid lawmakers! —California

Re: “Democrats Dig Their Own Grave on Inflation

To prove their insanity, Democrats firmly believe the path to any solution is to spend enormous amounts of other people’s money, and when that fails, spend more. When all that inevitably collapses, they then expect the other people to pay for their mistake. —North Carolina

Time to manage the deficit by doing away with unnecessary pork barrel spending. Remember when big projects that served the people came from giant family trusts? The government got into the buy-anything business to become popular. Not its purpose, so knock it off. —Washington

Re: “Rigged Swamp Acquits Yet Another Spygate Suspect

The only way I can make sense of Durham’s strategy of playing against a stacked deck by bringing these cases to trial in deeply partisan Democrat districts is that he’s making records to use against the big fish within the FBI in a broader forum (perhaps Congress). He’s losing the verdicts in order to gain sworn testimony against the higher FBI and DOJ officials who are the true conspirators against the Trump administration. A shrewd strategy if it works, which I sure hope it does! —Arizona

Re: “Biden Keeps Robbing Our Oil Reserves

At the pace our petroleum reserves AND domestic production are being depleted, our military forces will be facing severely restricted availability of gas, diesel, and jet fuels to conduct essential mission operations, thus prompting free reign to the dangerous ambitions of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Coupled with his emphasis on woke policy over force combat readiness, Biden’s inept, ineffectual leadership as commander-in-chief represents a perilous, existential threat to the future of our nation. There has never been a more pivotal midterm election than 2022. —Florida

Re: “The Political Direction of Gen X vs. Gen Z

Many of these generations were educated by public schools that began indoctrinating instead of educating. As Mr. Gallatin pointed out, Gen X (45-64) still believes in our Constitution, whereas Millennials (30-44) and Gen Z (18-29) were truly indoctrinated, not educated. These last two generations fall into the trap that everything we do or say should be regulated by the government. —Arizona

Re: “Lean Into It

Mr. Helle’s recollections and message are inspiring and, indeed, most timely. There is no question that our nation and its Constitution were created on biblical principles by and for God-fearing people, and that today our enemies are bent on removing God from our midst in order to destroy us. The 2022 midterm elections are opportune for taking the offensive and defeating those who would fundamentally transform the U.S. It is “time to lean into it and ‘drive on’!” Reading/viewing the referenced items herein and sharing with as many patriots as possible constitutes a prime initiative. —Florida