The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts
“Thus arbitrary power will have divided men of superior intelligence into two groups: the former will be seditious, the latter corrupt.” —Benjamin Constant (1767-1830)
Re: The Left
“In an op-ed for The Arizona Republic, [Senator Kyrsten] Sinema wrote, ‘Americans are told that we have only two choices — Democrat or Republican — and that we must subscribe wholesale to policy views the parties hold, views that have pulled further and further toward extremism.’ … Is it extreme to try to prevent more abortions and protect women from the regrets many feel after having had them? Is it extreme to allow drag queens to lead story hours in public libraries, but deny Christian author and actor Kirk Cameron the same privilege? Which is more extreme — having an open southern border that allows hundreds of thousands to enter the country illegally, some with deadly fentanyl pills and other drugs, or finishing the wall and allowing for their processing at established entry points? Is it extreme to allow the government to expand in size and cost, creating a nearly $32 trillion debt, or attempt to cut spending and balance the budget for our future financial health? Is it extreme to oppose thousands of new IRS agents who will conduct more audits on wealthy Americans and businesses, or limit their power by reforming the indecipherable tax code? … Is it extreme to protect seniors already receiving, or about to receive Social Security and Medicare while reforming these programs for future generations? … Good luck Sen. Sinema in your efforts to combat extremism. Your challenge will be less defining what is extreme and more defining what is normal.” —Cal Thomas1
For the Record
“Europe has gone all-in on wind and solar power, and the experiment has failed miserably. These fringe energy sources don’t work and aren’t scalable for industrial economies. And the more it doesn’t work, the more it requires police state interventions with fascistic controls over the economy and personal behavior. All of these assaults on freedom and prosperity are in the name of saving the planet. One wonders if this is the real endgame objective. The old saying that the greens are the new reds (communists) is proving to be all too true. … Worst of all, President Joe Biden’s administration and green groups look to Europe as a sterling silver model for America. Biden’s climate henchmen even want to move to the left of Europe on climate change controls on our economy. Biden boasted at the climate conference in Egypt last month that he wants the U.S. to sprint ahead of the Europeans on climate controls as if there is virtue in imposing pain and lowing living standards on the public. In other words, we are speeding over the same cliff of energy poverty, power outages and climate lockdowns that have crashed and burned everywhere else. The calamity is staring in front of us. And the Biden administration is saying faster, faster.” —Stephen Moore2
The BIG Lies
“For the last several months, wages have gone up more than prices have gone up.” —Joe Biden
“Now, 21 months later, we can see how our economic plan is working.” —Joe Biden
Non Sequitur
“Racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia — they’re all connected.” —Joe Biden
Non Compos Mentis
“When a person can be married in the morning and thrown out of a restaurant for being gay in the afternoon, this is still wrong.” —Joe Biden (“No one is being thrown out of a restaurant for being gay. No one’s interracial marriage is at risk. Libs don’t live in reality.” —Allie Beth Stuckey | “A conservative can wake up in the morning and be denied service at a restaurant in the afternoon. That’s actually happening.” —Erick Erickson)
“We need to challenge the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need. We have to protect these children.” —Joe Biden
Joe, Call Your Office
“We are still in the middle of a pandemic.” —National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci