More Docs Found … in Biden’s Garage
After days of administration stonewalling, we learn that this latest batch of classified material was found in Joe Biden’s Wilmington garage.
Some powerful forces there among the Democrats really don’t want Joe Biden running again in 2024. How else to explain his administration’s inability to keep a lid on this classified document story, and why it keeps getting worse?
First it was that batch of classified materials that were “discovered” at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, the president’s namesake foreign-policy research center right there in DC, the same “dark-money, revolving-door nightmare” that was apparently funded to the tune of millions by the Communist Chinese. (One wonders: Are there any Chinese nationals studying, say, Diplomacy and Global Engagement there at UPenn? And might any of them have had occasion to drop by the aforementioned center to do some, uh, research?)
Conveniently, the existence of these docs was kept hush-hush until safely after the midterm elections, even though the first batch was discovered way back on November 2. That fact in and of itself reeks of a cover-up.
Then, yesterday, we learned that still more classified documents had been “discovered,” though this second batch was unrelated to the first batch.
Here, we should take a moment to recall Joe Biden’s sanctimonious reaction to a photo showing the classified documents recovered at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in August. “How that could possibly happen,” he said. “How anyone could be that irresponsible.”
In September, Joe Biden was asked about the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) January 10, 2023
He said he didn’t know “how anyone could be that irresponsible” and questioned “what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods?” pic.twitter.com/jvw8FcBZZj
Well, Joe, what say you now? And what about you, Hillary?
And to the mainstream media: Where are the sensational photos of Biden’s classified materials, like the ones you so eagerly shared of those found at Mar-a-Lago?
“The classification level, number and precise location of the additional documents was not immediately clear,” NBC News reported. “It also was not immediately clear when the additional documents were discovered and if the search for any other classified materials Biden may have from the Obama administration is complete.”
Interestingly, Team Biden wasn’t willing to tell the American people about any of this. Same with the suddenly tight-lipped Biden Justice Department — just crickets and tumbleweeds.
Thus, from the president who pledged not only that he’d be transparent but that he’d never lie to us, we got obfuscation. Unless, of course, one counts the tightly scripted Karine Jean-Pierre’s remarks as non-obfuscatory, because they weren’t. Her boss’s lawyers did “the right thing” by turning over the docs to the National Archives, she’ll have us know. And don’t worry: “When it is appropriate for us to say more, we will,” she added.
What is our mainstream media doing during all this? Mostly running interference. As columnist David Harsanyi writes: “The highly curated leaks from Biden’s people are meant to get in front of the news. That’s their job. The political media, in turn, repeated, nearly verbatim, what they are told. That’s not their job. Their job is to be as skeptical of Biden’s contentions as they were of Trump’s or Clinton’s. The president, after all, has proven to be an inveterate liar.”
We’re not sure how much longer Team Biden will be able to keep stonewalling, though, especially given that we learned just this morning that these new documents were found in Joe Biden’s Delaware garage.
We asked earlier this week, so we’ll ask again: Where’s the special counsel?
We needn’t fret, though. The Biden administration’s lawyers just released a statement that they’re “fully cooperating” in this investigation.
Here we might tap the brakes a bit and note the ridiculousness of our nation’s document classification system. If a ham sandwich can be indicted, then just about any government document can be marked “classified” — all the better to avoid transparency and accountability. Indeed, presidents have always had classified docs in their possession, and any disputes between their staffs and the National Archives have always been resolved quietly, behind the scenes. Except for that time when former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy “Socks” Berger went into the Archives and stole some incriminating documents related to Clinton’s failures ahead of 9/11. Except for that time. But otherwise.
Of course, all that changed when our corrupt FBI, under orders from Joe Biden’s corrupt attorney general, decided that it needed to raid Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and start rifling through Melania’s closet.
That outrageous raid was 91 days before the November 8 midterm elections, and it served to ensure that Donald Trump — and not the miserable and manifold failures of the Biden administration — would dominate the headlines in the run-up to Election Day Month Season.
Ever notice how those claims that Trump had squirreled away our nation’s nuclear secrets there at Mar-a-Lago just sort of went away? Why, it’s almost as if those claims were scurrilous from the start.
As for the Biden documents, they’re different than the Trump documents in a couple of key ways. First, they weren’t in a secure location like those at Mar-a-Lago, which rates Secret Service protection. And second, unlike former President Trump, Joe Biden was vice president at the time these documents were taken from the White House; thus he had no authority to declassify them before taking them.
Old Joe’s in some hot water. So is his bootlicking attorney general. And the double standard between the treatment received by this president and the previous one becomes more glaring by the hour.
UPDATE: This afternoon, shortly after publication, AG Merrick Garland announced the appointment of a special counsel, Robert Hur, to investigate Joe Biden’s mishandling of these classified materials. Garland also acknowledged that in addition to the two batches of classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center and in Biden’s Wilmington garage, a single additional classified document was found inside the president’s Wilmington home.
- Tags:
- classified
- Joe Biden