The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden’s Bad Week

So what do “security” people do? Are they perpetually unaware of the location of any “security” files? Are they inventoried? When regime change takes place and people are moving things in and out of the White House, does anyone check that? Did they not know boxes of files were missing for about six years? How do they ever know what they have and what they don’t? What exists and what doesn’t? It seems to me the biggest failure in any of this is the security people having no clue. What good are they if they don’t/can’t keep track of alleged security documents? —Florida

Re: “What’s Up With Social Security?

For a number of years I have proposed that complete elimination of the 8% earnings per year for those who delay taking Social Security benefits until age 70 be adopted. Why in the world would Social Security pay 8% per year additional in benefits, primarily for those who cannot afford to wait to claim benefits? Several friends did just that, and by no means do they even need Social Security. How does Congress allow or justify such a return in an environment where interest rates have been so low (until recently)? Has anyone ever studied this in earnest? I doubt it. —Utah

Has anyone given thought to a parallel system to replace Social Security? As the government did with replacing CSRS with FERS, we can modify the system with people who have not yet paid into Social Security and option those in between. Nobody who has not paid into the system deserves the benefit. They will pay into the NEW system with only its benefits. —Nevada

Re: “Student Loan Forgiveness: Take Two

I had a half Pell Grant and a small scholarship, which basically paid for used books for nursing school. My best friend got a full Pell Grant, which paid for her full ride at our junior college and she became a respiratory therapist. She and I traded off babysitting for each other while our children were growing up. There are ways to make things work, and I was able to pay off the rest of my schooling. My oldest son paid off all his student loans. He owed a lot. My other kids — six of them — scrimped and saved before starting college and during college, and each has graduated. They don’t owe a dime! —Texas

The entire student loan forgiveness program is ridiculous. I went without many things, as did so many others, in order to pay my debts before I used that same money for expensive vacations, fancy cars, boats, jewelry, etc. Where is the fairness in rewarding those who choose to avoid paying their obligations while those of us who have paid sit in amazement that this could happen? —Utah

Re: “GOP Stronger After Speaker Fight

The best comment McCarthy made was to a reporter who asked him if he would be asking questions of the administration. His reply was classic and tells us everything we need to know about our leftist media. His reply: “You should be asking those questions!" Real journalists would have been asking questions of both parties over the last 75 years, instead of targeting one party and covering up and colluding with the other party. —California