The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden’s Classified Garage Docudrama

“As I said earlier this week, people know I take classified documents and classified material seriously.” Proper punctuation is important. “As I said earlier this week, people know I take classified documents and classified material. Seriously.” —Michigan

Re: “Second Anniversary: The Capitol Police Killing of Ashli Babbitt

As always, Mr. Alexander makes extremely salient points on the whole January 6 disgrace. Color me cynical, but I fear there will never be accountability for the death of Ashli Babbitt, nor will the perpetrator be held accountable. It would be an inconvenient truth for the Democrats and the Biden administration. While not a fan of lawsuits, I do hope Ashli’s mother proceeds with a wrongful death suit against the federal government. It may lead to justice for Ashli and the discovery of the truth of her death.

Re: “Tuesday Short Cuts

Leftists could hide their stupidity by just not opening their mouths. The documents at Mar-a-Lago were not missing. Trump and the National Archives were negotiating on them. They were in safes on property protected by the Secret Service. Biden had no authority to take the documents he had. They were not locked up but were in some cases in cardboard boxes in his garage. Until they were discovered, nobody knew where they were. —Nevada

There were many topics to comment on here but I’ll focus on not having F-15s to take on the U.S. One should ask Biden: How many F-15s or any aircraft did the Taliban have to totally take over Afghanistan when he hightailed it out of there? —Colorado

Re: “Biden’s MLK ‘Unity’ Address

The one thing Biden gets right is that it’s about the “money, money, money”! Look at how much he rakes in from Planned Parenthood, the teachers unions, the transgender medicos, and the LBGTQ+ mob. And we still don’t know what he’s getting from China. It’s not charity; it’s theft. —Virginia

Re: “California’s Avoidable Ecological Woes

The environmental loonies can be blamed for the raging forest fires, too, because they will not let forestry workers go into the forests regularly to keep the underbrush cleared. One lightning strike or careless camper and, poof, there go thousands of acres of forest. Logic is not one of the loonies’ strong points. —Pennsylvania

Re: “Woke Mind Virus Infecting Medical Schools

As a practicing physician, I think we as a nation exclude too many qualified applicants to medical school for reasons you didn’t list. These include ability to perform underpaid research or volunteer activities that preclude the poor. What is the true difference in a person who scores in the 90th percentile vs. the 80th percentile? Perhaps there should be a lottery system open to all that meet certain criteria. Then perhaps we would not have such a focus on high-priced specialty care with little benefit for the cost, and maybe have more primary care clinicians. —New Mexico

Re: “Biden’s Green Energy Winners and Losers

I do not like to cook on an electric stove or in an electric oven. I was visiting family for Thanksgiving 10 years ago in a minor city in the prettiest and only truly free state in New England. Since my turkey and stuffing are so popular among family, I cooked. Thanksgiving apparently taxed the electrical system of this little city. The normal four-hours cooking time for the stuffed bird ended up being seven hours because the oven couldn’t maintain 350 degrees. At one point it struggled to maintain 275 degrees. My huge propane gas oven at home (I’ve cooked a 50 lb. turkey in it) can maintain a 500-degree temp all day and night. I don’t have 220/240 volts available without a service upgrade costing thousands of dollars. —Nebraska