The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Why Corrupt Media Ignore 'The Twitter Files'

By Political Editors ·

We certainly haven’t covered every release of the so-called “Twitter Files,” though we’ve covered a few. Our goal was to get the message across about Twitter’s censorship and collusion with government, not to succumb to the churn with each one or to build Twitter’s brand with constant attention. But journalist Margot Cleveland takes on the Leftmedia reporters who’ve intentionally ignored one of the biggest stories in recent months.

Soon after Elon Musk acquired Twitter, he gave a few reporters access to the tech giant’s internal communications, resulting in scandalous revelations about Twitter’s routine collusion with and censorship direction from the FBI — revelations you likely haven’t heard much about from the corporate media.

“The Twitter Files” showed that this symbiotic relationship between the feds and a so-called private company involved the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the 2020 election, the silencing of Covid dissenters, and even the squelching of regime-challenging journalists, among other bombshells. According to the communications, the federal government paid Twitter some $3,000,000 for its assistance.

Notwithstanding these explosive revelations, backed up by the internal communications of high-level Twitter executives, the corporate media have ignored the scandals. But why?

Here are five reasons the corrupt press has refused to adequately cover “The Twitter Files.”

1.) Giving Credence To Trump’s 2020 Election Claims Would Be Unforgivable

Cleveland explains that the media almost would be forced to cover its own censorship of Hunter Biden’s laptop and Biden family corruption because of how intertwined that is with “The Twitter Files.” That in turn would mean admitting Trump had a point:

As Donald Trump put it on Truth Social after “The Twitter Files” broke: “The biggest thing to come out of the Twitter Targeting Hoax is that the Presidential Election was RIGGED — And that’s as big as it can get!!!”

For the press to honestly cover “The Twitter Files,” then, would require it to give credence to Trump’s “RIGGED” claims — something it just cannot stomach. Instead, the corrupt media have responded to “The Twitter Files” with silence or spin.

2.) Being the Press Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Cleveland says the press is notorious for its “inability to acknowledge its own bias, wrongdoing, and hackery.” That’s ironic, of course, given the prevalence of so-called “fact-checkers.” In this instance, it would mean admitting complicity in censorship despite industry camaraderie: “historically, journalists stood in unity with their fellow reporters.” It might also mean admitting collusion with the FBI just like Twitter did.

3.) Condemning the Feds Would Shut Down Sources and Hurt Their Heroes

… Many of the same FBI agents and governmental officials, such as Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who pushed for Twitter to censor speech probably serve as regular sources for the legacy media. This scenario is especially likely if the FBI pushed for the press to censor the Hunter Biden story, as it had with Twitter and Facebook. Reporting on “The Twitter Files” would thus force the media to hammer some of the same individuals who give them valuable leaks. Condemning those individuals could shut down various source networks the corrupt media can’t risk. …

4.) The Russian Bogeyman Must Be Preserved at All Costs

Nothing, says Cleveland, may be more important in recent years than the dogma about Trump’s collusion with Russia. Reporting on “The Twitter Files” would undermine that narrative in several ways she proceeds to detail. Cleveland then concludes:

5.) Reporters Prefer Their Role as Propagandists to Journalists

While there are many practical reasons the press refuses to report on “The Twitter Files,” as a matter of principle, it all comes down to one: The legacy media have none.

The so-called journalists working at outlets that were once the standard by which all journalists were judged today value politics more than they do their professional obligations. Informing the public and providing a check on the rich, the powerful, and the politicians are no longer the end goals of corrupt reporters; rather, they seek to use their power to advance their own personal beliefs and agendas.

In short, the reporters refusing to cover “The Twitter Files” prefer their role as propagandists to journalists.

Read the whole thing here.