The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “What Lies to Watch for During Biden’s SOTU

I saw a dazed old man making a last-ditch plea to pad his fall from grace. He did everything a guilty person does to escape the truth. He blamed everyone else. He pointed angry fingers in every direction except towards the mirror. He rehashed old lies and dug his fingernails into the ledge to keep from falling into the abyss. It wasn’t horrific. It was pathetic. It was sad. It was a trapped rat chewing its own leg off to save itself. It was like watching a majestic Moose dying from brain worm walking in tight circles thinking it was in full gallop through the forest. —Arizona

Re: “‘A Disastrous Projection of Weakness’

China’s balloon was a field trial. Communist China learned the U.S. will delay destroying a “weather balloon.” Now China can consider how many more spy balloons it can launch without U.S. interference. But it’s much, much worse. China has proven the feasibility of delivering an EMP via this painfully obvious but insidiously clandestine vector. Detonated at 60,000 feet, a small-yield nuclear EMP would plunge thousands of square miles of U.S. into the dark ages. No physical damage, very little radiation, but the mass civil chaos would require weeks to restore minimal vital infrastructure and months to recover. Dismissing this event as a benign anomaly is a fool’s gambit far eclipsing Lord Chamberlain’s “Peace For Our time.” —Missouri

Re: “Biden’s Big ‘Trump Too’ Balloon Lie

The eyesight of Americans has, apparently, improved significantly during the Biden administration, or our surveillance security system was just garbage back in the Trump years. Three balloons, all unsighted and either undetected or unreported, passed over our airspace? Knowing the tenor of The Swamp and media back then, the mere fact that it was never used as a cudgel against Orange Man Bad defies logic. —Maryland

Re: “It’s Time for a Balanced Budget

A Balanced Budget Act that brings the annual deficit to zero is desirable, but not necessary to climb out of this hole. Rand Paul suggests cutting a single penny from each dollar going to federal agencies; others are less “severe” by suggesting we simply freeze spending at 100% of current levels. Actually, Congress could INCREASE spending each year on the necessary and constitutional functions government as well as all of the disgusting waste, unconstitutional boondoggles, and pork if it would simply tie the annual increase in the budget to the increase in the population. Committing to any of these plans would eventually eliminate the entire debt as the economy grew. And yet Washington can’t manage even these modest restraints. —Georgia

Re: “A University Whitewashes Its History

Robert C. Smith has the right idea and more power to him. I hope others whose ancestors have been erased from places founded largely due to their generous donations follow his example. God knows money is the only way to make a point with socialists. I also have to comment on the idiocy of leftists and their ongoing shock — yes, shock! — at finding that someone with money and power in the South before the Civil War owned slaves. Wow — maybe if they read history instead of destroying/rewriting it, they’d learn how commerce worked in the bad old days. —Pennsylvania

Re: “In Brief: Why Does Everyone Drive Like Maniacs?

We live in a postmodern society whose inmates spent their formative years using electronic devices as substitutes for basic human interaction while convincing themselves life is a self-centered magical universe with no moral restraints by playing fantasy games that numbed them to reality. The latter, with its salient emphasis on excessive speed, survivable wrecks, wholesale destruction, and unrepentant killing of zombies and a host of other subhuman trash, has spawned erratic driving practices, disregard for the feelings of their fellow man, and the dangerous false attitude of being invincible and not responsible for their actions. —North Carolina

Since COVID there has been a total lack of traffic laws being enforced. I’ve seen a line of six snowplows go through red lights across a six-lane intersection without slowing down or caring about the cars driving through. Every morning in front of my work there is a school bus that makes a U-turn, which requires driving onto the sidewalk on both sides of the road. Two nights ago I witnessed a Dodge Charger cross three heavily occupied lanes to pass one car, crossed back three lanes, then entered the breakdown lane and passed half a dozen cars. The car then nearly sideswiped a minivan as it tried to cross from the breakdown lane to the middle lane. It passed a state trooper at well over the 65 m.p.h. limit and kept going. Bicycles are even worse than cars! —New York