The Patriot Post® · Silencing the Lambs

By Roger Helle ·

Progressives are making an all-out assault on the Constitution, especially the First and Second Amendments. If they can accomplish eliminating the Second Amendment, silencing us by taking away the First will not be a problem. Or so they think. Dictators across history have always sought to disarm their populations before taking power.

What has amazed me in recent years is how so many Americans don’t seem to see the enemies of freedom standing at the door. For decades now, many people have been on a diet of media bias and outright propaganda.

Some attribute this quote to Mark Twain: “If you don’t read the newspaper, your uninformed. If you read newspapers, you’re misinformed.” Regardless of who said it, it’s a fact. When so many people are misinformed, it’s hard to make informed decisions. An example would have been the number of people who would not have voted for Joe Biden if they’d seen the story on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”

I’m going to share my opinion on something (but when you get to Heaven, you’ll see I was right). If you’re a progressive, you didn’t understand that was humor! Anyway, I believe far too many Christians have taken the path of least resistance when it comes to the culture war being waged on Christianity by the far Left. Progressives are throwing everything they have to silence us. We don’t have to help them by retreating from the battlefield.

Let me share something I’m afraid will be happening here in America sooner than you think. It’s happening in Europe and will eventually land on our shores. In Great Britain recently, two incidents leaped out at me. Last year in England, two pro-life individuals were arrested. But it’s what they were arrested for that shocked me.

The first was a woman who was a leader in the pro-life movement. She was arrested for silently praying in front of an abortion clinic, which was actually closed at the time. A month earlier, a British Army veteran was arrested for the same thing, silently praying near an abortion clinic.

Both of these individuals were interrogated by the police as to what they were silently praying! Both were arrested for the presumed crime of praying against abortion. The first offender was accused of violating England’s Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). This establishes a “buffer zone” around abortion clinics to prohibit audible prayer and prohibit expressing opinions about or influencing abortion clinic activities.

Think that won’t happen here? It already has! Biden’s weaponized Justice Department and FBI have already made raids on the homes of pro-life leaders here in America. They show up armed at the homes of people who have done nothing wrong, they take them into custody, and they frogmarch them out of their homes in front of their neighbors.

In one case, a family with seven kids had agents enter their home with weapons drawn and pointed at the parents, terrorizing their children. The phony charges thrown at this man have already been dismissed. Other cases are pending. The goal? Put the fear of God (government abuse) into anyone who would dare voice an opinion different than the one approved by this corrupt administration.

Get ready. This freight train of corruption and violation of free speech may be coming to a neighborhood near you.

Something to pray about!