The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “EVs: An Expensive Way to Virtue Signal

When the battery in my flashlight runs low, the light is not as bright. When the battery on my chainsaw runs low, it doesn’t cut as well. So when my Chevy Blazer EV, with a range of 247 miles, hits 200, will it still go 60 m.p.h.? If I have the air conditioner on, can I still go 247 miles? The temperature at my house was -20F two weeks ago; can I get 247 miles with the heater on? The interior heater on my gasoline engine vehicle relies on the engine heat; does an electric motor generate enough heat to keep me comfortable, or does it require a separate electric heater? I don’t know the answers. I was just asking for a friend. —New Hampshire

How many of the rich would buy that EV without the government rebate? They didn’t all get “rich” by being stupid, even those who vote with their feelings. —Florida

Re: “Virginia School Leftists Cover Their Tracks

I find it revolting that the “education” authorities of this state are so blatant in their abuse of powers granted by the people. It seems to me that the members of the board are alternately saying, “I dare you to stop me,” and, “There ain’t no way you can stop me.” Were I a citizen of this state, I would begin a petition drive to recall those abusive members from their elected positions and retain counsel to the end of bringing litigation against those members, both individually and collectively. —Texas

If we don’t stop using the far-Left’s terminology, we might as well just concede the fight right now. There are two sexes — men and women. The rest are just pretending for self-gratification, or because they have some type of mental illness. In Loudoun County, it was a boy pretending to be a girl. I refuse to use other terminology, and I hope others will start following suit. —Delaware

Re: “Biden the Inflationary Budget Buster

Good points, Nate. I’d say that inflation is due to the money supply the Federal Reserve provided when it printed trillions under quantitative easing. Inflation is actually the same as dollar devaluation. You are correct, the vastly increased money supply was used to fund more government spending. In order to reduce inflation, the Fed must reduce the money supply, and to do that, the politicians have to reduce government spending. —Colorado

Re: “The Unhinged Left

The leftist-communist efforts to distort our English language are but one of their tactics to deny common sense. As a person from a long lineage of farmers, I can tell you that common sense was required to survive on the farm prior to the welfare state. The huge growth of federal government restriction of individual rights perverted the concept of states’ rights and governance closer to home. Common sense led our Founders to dictate within the Constitution a limited, small federal government. Read The Federalist Papers and admire common sense. —Alabama

Re: “The Incalculable Cost of Illegal Immigration

Genuine charitable giving was displaced from utility when the government found that it could buy support and votes by doling out other people’s money. Buying votes via charity. Nice. Remember when family foundations and charitable trusts did the heavy lifting for marginalized people who were transitioning to self-support? Dependency was a temporary condition, cured by self-respect and ambition. It has become a condition that victims aspire to. All the Democrats need now is to let them vote. —Washington

Re: “Doc: Joe Biden Is ‘Healthy, Vigorous’

Another sign of failed leadership is the rise of “underling” groups breaking out for their own power-grabbing piece of the structural pie. For lack of traditional chain of command, various federal agencies are reaching for greater power and bucks. This is a destruction of the Republic. The communist factor in America has claimed for itself the term “democracy.” It sounds less threatening than communism. Read the Communist Party USA newsletters. They identify themselves now as champions of democracy. It sounds so much more palatable. —Florida

Re: “Race and Violence: A Politically Inconvenient Truth

As Alexander documents well, a grossly disproportionate number of homicides are committed by black people with firearms. Based on leftist “reasoning,” wouldn’t the solution be to deny all black people the right to own a firearm? Oh, wait, the vast majority of those homicides are committed with illegally acquired firearms, thus, the Left’s solution is to deny all Americans the right to legally purchase a firearm. That’ll fix it! Black Americans do not kill because they’re black — they kill because they are stuck in a cultural cycle fabricated by Democrats. —New York

Re: “‘He Gets Us’ Misses the Mark

Saint Augustine wrote an argument similar to Lewis’s but about truth: “People have such a love for the truth when they happen to love something else, they want it to be the truth; and because they do not wish to be proven wrong, they refuse to be shown their mistake. And so, they end up hating the truth for the sake of the object which they have come to love instead of the truth.” —South Carolina

Re: “Profiles of Valor: God Bless You, Gary Harrell

A beautiful and heartfelt tribute to MG Harrell — would that God raise up legions more to follow in his footsteps! —Georgia