The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Is It Time for a ‘National Divorce’?

I challenge Liz Cheney and others to show exactly where secession is negated by either the letter or spirit of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Although I am glad the nation remained whole after the Civil War, the forcible prevention of the Confederate states’ independence no more proved secession’s illegality than a man beating his wife for trying to leave him. The philosophical differences between red and blue now are much greater than between North and South in the 1860s. The only thing that has prevented a new sundering of our union is that the divisions are less geographically coherent, though net migration from blue states to red is changing that too. —Georgia

The Founding Fathers were not opposed to the secession of states. Indeed, they had recently fought a war with Britain to achieve just that. Imagine how rich a state would be if it seceded and, instead of being taxed by the IRS, kept its funds in-state. Without federal funding, welfare and food stamps would dry up, causing the non-productive people to either work or move to a liberal state to keep getting their handouts. And the illegals pouring across our border would head for the freebies of “blue” states while avoiding “red” ones. Unfortunately, the empire in DC would not tolerate the loss of even one of its cash cows, and its reaction would be the same as it was in 1861. But remember, if you are not free to leave, you are not free. —Florida

We need to stick together as a country, otherwise we will be weak and vulnerable. The solution is simple and was devised by our Founding Fathers — states’ rights/federalism. The blue states can do what they favor and the red states can do what they favor. Keep control of one over the other to a minimum (i.e., the federal government can do ONLY its constitutionally mandated functions). Both red and blue can do as they see fit; the compromise required between the two will be minimized. The blue states will be singing the blues (pun intended) before too long, and hopefully they will learn and change their ways. And those in the red states will suffer less from the ignorance, foolishness, and corruption of those on the Left. —Texas

The Democrats’ idea of compromise is that they get everything they want. The Republicans, with half of them being RINOs, cave in and give it to them. The only way to get this country back on the right track is for the Republican Party to become a true party of conservatives. —Illinois

We could start by actually installing consequences for violating each elected official’s oath of office. The oath to support and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is contained in Article VI. Proof of violation must result in removal from office, or destruction of our nation from within will happen. —Nevada

The solution is for the citizens of this country to get back to God. Our Constitution is based on Christian principles. It was conceived to govern a moral and upright people. Until all the citizens of this nation seek God and His will, there will continue to be a division between good and evil, not just Democrats and Republicans. —Kentucky

Re: “The Incalculable Cost of Illegal Immigration

The American welfare state is a huge lure for poor people around the world. Folks who know how to do basic arithmetic understand that 330 million American citizens cannot pay for the seven billion folks on Earth. First, since only half of the adult population in the U.S. pay almost all the income tax, the tax burden is far too great. Second, the concept is unsustainable because our welfare state will collapse under the burden — then our society collapses. The third problem is that the rapid influx of different cultures will overwhelm our legal system. —Mississippi

Re: “Seattle Lawlessness and Government Cover-Up

Will it ever be possible to arrest, jail, fine, and civilly sue politicians who violate their oath of office and, through their executive decisions, violate the rights of their constituents? As with CHOP, shouldn’t the public officials involved lose all of their own personal wealth to ameliorate their constituents’ losses and for punitive reasons? Why do the taxpayers have to bear the burden of the entire cost? How can we get Biden, Mayorkas, Newsom, mayors, council members, DAs, and others to feel some personal pain for the very real losses of blood and treasure that their constituents must bear for the politicians’ criminal choices? —California

I had the privilege to visit Seattle about 20 years ago. I enjoyed my visit and was amazed at the sights. I am so saddened that, for reasons I cannot comprehend, the Left wants lawlessness. The lawlessness it seeks is in so many cities and I don’t understand. I am appalled by the lack of self-respect and respect for others. Morals are nonexistent. —Wisconsin

Re: “Next Major Airline Crash Caused by Wokeness

It is only a matter of time before a catastrophic airline incident occurs because of this stupid woke bovine scatology and our incompetent transportation secretary. He is in way over his head in this position. The worst part is they will certainly blame Donald Trump when it happens. The Democrats will never be held accountable for their actions and misdeeds. —Indiana

Re: “Biden’s Junk Fee Populism

The government has no interest in removal of “junk fees.” All you have to do is look at your phone bill, your internet bill, your utility bill, your cell phone bill, etc. All you see are federal and state junk fees! If Biden is serious, he would address these fees rather than trying to beat up the private sector. —California