The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: How About National Marriage Counseling?

Sometimes it’s simply realistic to assess a relationship and conclude that it’s irreparably damaged and the best course for all is separation to allow for divergent paths. In my opinion, that’s where we are. The progressive Left has a surprising number of folks who also see this, which is encouraging, as this presents a voice of reason to oppose those who would enforce “the United States” through any means necessary. Many are refusing to accept the demands of the progressive Democrats. The longer this continues, the less loyalty, identification, and support the federal government will have. —Texas

It is my belief that we are more than just “red” and “blue.” There are several shades of purple also involved in the equation. Just like in any marriage, there are differences of opinions on different subjects, but adults should be able to work out those differences. We know that a goodly percentage of marriages fail, but we cannot let the experience called the United States of America fail. We need each other. We should be open-minded enough to listen to differing opinions and come to conclusions that work for the common good. Yes, there will always be some dissension, but show me a time in recorded human history when that has not been the case. —Washington

Re: The Sex-Change Lawsuits Begin

It’s one thing to sue a medical center, but truly at the heart of these battles are also the parents. When are the parents going to understand that they, too, are seriously to blame for these surgeries? If they hadn’t taken their children to these centers and pushed them to get these surgeries and pushed them into certain beliefs — if they had waited until their kids were past puberty and grown out of these uncertainties — then the majority of these issues wouldn’t have taken place to begin with. —Texas

Re: The Pentagon’s ‘Stupid’ Wokeness Directives

Marco Rubio, thanks for sounding the alarm regarding our military embracing “wokeness.” In an age when political appointments predominate in the upper ranks, no wonder the idiocy persists. My ancestors, and society in general, survived due to lessons learned and passed on to subsequent generations — WISDOM. The woketards want to destroy our society and begin anew. Generals and admirals should have the intelligence and experience to disregard these promoters of chaos and use the conservative tools that have advanced humanity. Proficiency in readiness and battlefield predominance are the important tasks, NOT social engineering. —Michigan

Re: Dilbert Gets Canceled Again

Considering how many on the Left (primarily white elitists) think separating the races is such a swell idea, I don’t see why they’re up in arms about Adams’ comments. He just said very bluntly what they think, which is you should only associate with your own kind for the good of your race. That’s crap, of course, because that’s segregation, but since they’re pushing for it in schools, neighborhoods, and public gatherings, why pick on this guy? —Pennsylvania

Re: Monday: Below the Fold

If renewable energy is a viable, long-term thing, it will make it on its own without government involvement. Many electric car owners are coming clean with their disappointment in the autos that they were mostly shamed into buying. Same goes for solar panels. My neighbors’ solar panels have been buried in snow all week. Good thing they are still on the grid! —California

Re: Old Things and Americana

You’re speaking my language. A pocket watch with my grandfather’s teething marks on it keeps perfect time. Most of my guns are from the 20th century but designed in the 19th. And a three-month-old Saint Pyrenees keeps me young. No social media and I love the quiet of the desert. There are still glimpses of Americana here in Idaho.