The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Why Didn’t Pelosi Release the J6 Video?

Excellent summary on the video feed releases and indeed a good question with an obvious answer, as you noted — Pelosi wanted to control the narrative. McCarthy has done the right thing by releasing the videos, though it’s too little, too late. And yes, Carlson’s credibility suffers from his hyperbole. Sometimes conservative commentators are too far down in the trenches to see the big picture, which is one reason I appreciate Patriot Post analysis. —California

Very good and unslanted assessment on your part. It is extremely sad that politicians never seem to learn that impartiality would gain them much more respect than they are getting now. That includes both sides of the aisle. —Michigan

Re: Containing the Silicon Valley Bank Contagion

You can bet the last dollar you deposited in SVB that the backers of the current administration will place the entire blame on Trump (or Ronald Reagan). —Washington

Don’t forget the extremely serious issue of the steady and ongoing erosion of the U.S. dollar, the world standard of reserve currency, and its ability to keep America prosperous. The elephant in the room is a key goal of permanent Washington, and indeed the worldwide Marxist cabal. Americans need to know that soon the dollar literally won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on. —Oregon

“We can see how our economic plan is working” (Joe Biden). Say no more… —Texas

Re: The Democrat Party’s ‘BIG Lie’

This was a fascinating analysis. I have heard about this analogy with the socialist NAZI party platform, but this was both a balanced and shocking exposition on the parallel between that platform and the modern Democrat platform. —New York

Re: Even the Campus Censors Worry

This subject reminds me of the way parents raised their children when I was raising my daughters in the 1980s. Most parents would not discipline their children; they would make several threats and give in at the end. That doesn’t help the child develop coping skills or teach them the realities of living in society, where there are higher authorities that must be respected, or their life won’t go well. They lacked self-control and had no respect for any authority. Flash-forward to today, these are now the adults running our schools and the bureaucracy. It’s no wonder we see this totalitarianism in higher ed. —Oregon

Re: Dispatches From Vietnam: Part III

Amen, brother! I came to Christ in USAF via Navigator’s ministry in 1973. Pastored for a few years back in the 1990s. My wife and I were honored and blessed in the early 2000s to be part of a ministry that helped local pastors launch some weekend retreats in St. Petersburg, Russia. Hungry and hurting lives eagerly responded to God’s saving Gospel. I’m encouraged by the flickering of revival flames that have been springing up in the recent past, both here and abroad. Let’s not “despise the small beginnings” regardless of our own “preferred” denominational lenses and comfort zones and instead persevere in faith and prayer (and personal witness) to see new flames break out again here and throughout the world. —Virginia