The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Containing the Silicon Valley Bank Contagion

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that the tab for bailing out banks via fees will be just like taxing the corporations at higher rates. The cost of these moves will come out of the consumers’ pockets in the end. Businesses don’t pay taxes. Taxes are part of their overhead, and those costs wind up in the prices of their products, PERIOD! —Maryland

Re: DeSantis Comes Out Against Russian Proxy War

We are losing Africa to Communist China; we are losing South America to Iran and Communist China; and now we want to give Ukraine and Eastern Europe to Putin’s Russia? It is the “too little, too late” support from Biden that keeps this war going. Yes, we need the rest of the NATO countries to pay more. What is the plan for peace? Just give Ukraine to Russia and let it slaughter a million or so Ukrainians? The solution is to increase our military and to increase the supplies to Ukraine to win the war. —California

Re: Stanford Law Students Heckle Federal Judge

Normally the tantrums of the terrible twos are somewhat self-limiting and toddlers tend to outgrow them. Normally. Then there are those who have not outgrown them or who have regressed back to the worldview of the “me, me, me — it’s all about me” toddler. In either case, it does not bode well for the individual or for society as a whole for this mindset to remain unchallenged and unchanged. Such a mind, like a soiled diaper, is full of stuff that needs to be removed, else the longer it remains, the more and more it stinketh. —Virginia

Re: Hate Crimes Rise Under President Unity

“Hate crimes” are tools socialists use to manipulate a gullible population to not oppose the destruction of policies and institutions supported by capitalism. Socialism requires “equity.” Individual responsibility, self-discipline, self-determination, tenacity, fraternity, and prohibiting excuses favor success; Christians (among many others) demonstrate the enduring value of these practices. But socialism requires an oppressor to have class warfare. Friendly Christians are convenient scapegoats. Muslims value the same practices as Christians, yet none dare accuse Muslims of hate crimes. —Missouri

Re: Confronting Gender Confusion

Radical gender ideology is so pervasive because the “lamb” approach has been the predominant approach. Biblically, the right approach depends upon the character of the object/person being confronted. When it comes to confronting, most people ignore the approach that God Himself takes: “…for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let favor be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness…” (Isaiah 26:9-10) —Colorado

Re: Tuesday Short Cuts

1) When will Republicans stop working for the DNC? Like crabs in a bucket, they pull each other down for their own benefit, but the party/American people suffer for it. The Dems don’t do that. The Dems steal the pie and divide it; the GOP goes head first into the pie, getting a bite and losing most to the Dems. They eat their own before the Dems bludgeon them. 2) China holds 15 of the top 50 most polluted cities in the world. India holds about the same. China opens 20-30 new coal-powered electric plants every year. It lights its cities like amusement attractions. Then WE are told to cut back. When will the lefties understand the world has ONE atmosphere? China’s pollution comes here. —Nevada

I think China laughs at “climate goals.” But I agree we should be following one thing China is doing — building a lot of new coal-powered power plants. Natural gas plants and nuclear ones also would be good. And oil refineries. Stop with the wind farms and solar power fields. —Delaware

Re: Santa Clara County Still Seeking $2.87M From Church

Unfortunately, as in the court challenges against gun control, “We the People” have to finance both sides of the issue. First by supporting the church and the First Amendment, and second by paying the taxes that create the revenue these counties and municipalities use to attack the Bill of Rights with legislation and litigation. —Florida