The Patriot Post® · A 'Transgender Bill of Rights'

By Samantha Koch ·

A new bill introduced by the woke Left is one that should send a chill down the spine of every sane American (we are still the majority).

Representative Pramila Jayapal, a proud proponent of the most destructive ideas to American principles, has proposed the Transgender Bill of Rights. According to an opposing political colleague and favorite target of denigration from the Left, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, it is “the most insane piece of legislation I’ve ever seen.”

As quoted in the introductory text from the bill:

Recognizing that it is the duty of the Federal Government to develop and implement a Transgender Bill of Rights to protect and codify the rights of transgender and nonbinary people under the law and ensure their access to medical care, shelter, safety, and economic security…

The goal of this bill is to essentially force hard-working, moral Americans to bear the financial burden of a population too psychologically and physically crippled to pursue a healthy existence. We’ll have to deal with the severe ramifications of laws that protect the whims of the most mentally unstable members of society — or face criminal repercussions for defiance of these laws.

Every order throughout these 10 pages of radicalism is meant to be codified at the federal level, which would prohibit any state from passing legislation that aligns with the values of their voters, even if/when these regulations directly result in a surge of violence, assault, and any other form of physical and mental harm.

Proposed “rights” throughout this bill, to be enforced by the elite in Washington, DC, are that of prohibiting schools from keeping biological boys out of girls’ locker rooms and off of their sports teams, forcing all teachers to stock their classrooms with books that instruct every student to become “LGBTQIA” (proposed as simply wanting to inform students of gay historical figures), legalizing anatomy-mutilating surgeries and experimental hormones and puberty blockers for all ages, and effectively overriding all pieces of state legislation that are currently in place to protect the rights of parents to not “affirm” their own child or to not pursue the sexual identity that an activist teacher or counselor assigned their child while at school.

The bill rewards the trans population with the classification of being a protected class at the federal level. That means the scattered incidents of men parading through women’s locker rooms at the local YMCA or a high school boy putting on a skirt to access the girls’ bathroom will become the new norm. All 167.5 million females in the U.S. will soon be at risk of being targeted by mentally unstable, predatory men.

This bill also directly attacks one of the core founding principles of the U.S. Constitution — that of religious liberty.

On page 2, bullet point (iii), it reads:

(iii) explicitly clarifying that it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, including gender identity or sex characteristics, in public accommodations and services on religious grounds;

This would directly affect any school, church, or religious-based institution or organization that operates on the grounds of the scientific and factual basis of male and female identities. It could lead to forcing them to recognize any name, pronoun, or sexuality that the most unhinged in our society can conjure up at any given moment, making even our most sacred places of refuge subject to the insane impulses of the woke cult.

In keeping consistent with the theme of the Left’s agenda to legalize the most barbarous practices to ever occur, the Transgender Bill of Rights also seeks to codify Roe v. Wade, making abortion at any stage legal across all 50 states. That expands the pool of victims for predatory, anti-woman organizations like Planned Parenthood, while effectively quashing every bill that has been passed in pro-life states to protect the lives of the most innocent among us, leaving them vulnerable to a morally bankrupt, inhumane belief system that is spreading through society like an out-of-control cancer.

This “Bill of Rights” is not a bill that protects the rights of anyone. It is a document put forth to further the crippling of our nation and to dismantle the rights and liberty of every American citizen of today and future generations.

The “transgender” population is made up of people who were born with healthy bodies and independent minds with limitless potential to contribute their skills and talents to the betterment of the world. Yet at some point they were pulled into the delusional theories of gender ideology, which influenced them to unnecessarily obsess about their sexuality. Consequently, they see themselves as powerless in their own lives. They have been intentionally physically and mentally stunted to be abused by those who want unlimited power. Their politically inflicted weakness gives power-hungry officeholders a path to undo every law that protects the parental stewardship over their children, women over their privacy, children over their bodies, institutions over their values, individuals over their speech, and the fundamental, constitutionally protected right of equal opportunity for all that is unique to this country.

Legislation such as this is not about “rights” for a particular group of people. It is meant to exploit the weakest of the weak in our society and to use their instability as a cause that those at the top can reference as reason to undo the entire structure of the most prosperous, divinely inspired system to ever exist.