The Patriot Post® · Stop the Insanity!

By Roger Helle ·

Does it seem crazy to anyone else the depth of lunacy those on the far left have gone to in recent years? I hate to lump all Democrats in with radical far-left progressives, but until “moderates” begin to speak up and stand up, I don’t have a choice.

This was evidenced recently when the House passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. All the Democrats folded like a cheap suit and voted in lockstep with the radical minority. In reality, “transgenders” represent less than 1% of the country. Nevertheless, every Democrat voted against legislation to protect women in sports from having to compete against biological males.

Need convincing? William Thomas ranked 462 in the nation in men’s college swimming. William changed his name to Lia and broke records winning women’s NCAA championships. William stole the dreams and accomplishments of actual female swimmers like Riley Gaines. Riley actually tied Thomas in a match, but the cowardly judges gave the win to Thomas, fearing the wrath of the radical trans movement if they didn’t give the race to Thomas.

Remember the Christian school shooting in Nashville some weeks ago? After Tennessee passed commonsense legislation protecting children from puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and gender mutilation surgeries, a woman identifying as a male reacted. The woman — I will not give the benefit of using her name — went to a Christian school she had attended years earlier. With two rifles and a handgun, this woman, suffering from gender dysphoria, murdered three nine-year-old children and three staff before she was taken out by police.

Not long after this tragedy, three Tennessee legislators led a crowd of “trans activists” in a demonstration on the house floor for over an hour, taking the memory of those recently murdered and focusing on themselves. These morons even received an invitation to the White House by the cognitively challenged president who never passes up an opportunity to rub our noses in the dirt. White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre lamented the fact that the trans community was under attack.

The media included the killer in the death toll and implied she was as much a victim as the murdered children. The focus became the trans community, and the deaths of those at the school were quickly forgotten. Jean-Pierre told the trans community the president “has your back.” Who knew there were so many in the trans community who were being attacked all across the country? This was a classic case of using Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” — demonize your opponents — because it’s all about getting and keeping power.

When will America have had enough? How long will we have to go along with people’s delusions? They need help, they need compassion, but they don’t need us to ignore their gender confusion.

Nike chose a biological male to promote its sports bras. Bud Light chose a gender-confused man to promote its beer. Other companies recognized men as women of the year. This is crazy! And we Americans are just supposed to close our eyes and deny reality. It ain’t gonna happen! We are about to see a pushback against all this insanity. Like Disney and Bud Light have learned, corporations can only rub our noses in gender dysphoria for so long. It will backfire big time.

Something to think about.