The Patriot Post® · Kirk Cameron: Courageous Culture Warrior

By Emmy Griffin ·

When one thinks of Kirk Cameron, one might picture the oldest son from the TV sitcom “Growing Pains.” That young man has acted in plenty of films since then. Cameron is also one of the most famous unapologetic Christian actors in Hollywood. He has been on the front lines of the culture war for years now. His latest mission has been redeeming Library Story Hour.

Kirk Cameron along with BRAVE Books have been doing a cross-country tour reading to children. This intentional act of reclamation was in reaction to the infamous and ever-growing trend in libraries of Drag Queen Story Hour. For those who are blissfully unaware, Drag Queen Story Hour is when drag queens read books to children, often with a trans or queer propaganda theme, and often accompanied by a sexualized performance.

Cameron’s book As You Grow is a wholesome children’s book that is about growing up and the biblical concept of the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control) and how God uses them to shape a life.

He has visited many libraries and has faced pushback from protesters. Some drag queen activists even attended some of the readings. One can only hope that the messages Cameron was communicating through his readings may have reached some of these lost people.

The more common experience that Cameron has shared is that parents are eager for wholesome story hours at public libraries. As Cameron clearly articulated in an article for Fox News:

Why is there a seemingly sudden increase in pedophiles, sexual deviants? Why do we have so many amoral — or plainly immoral — educators, school administrators, school boards, politicians, community leaders, and even judges, hell-bent on advancing the sexualization of our innocent children, and pushing perversion into the hearts and minds of the most impressionable among us?

Why are too many of these leaders hiding their aberrant “sex education” and “gender-affirming” curricula from the parents of their students, stripping moms and dads of their rights to determine when and how their children are exposed to sensitive topics in school?

What do these groups of decadent influencers have to gain? In short, their ambition is the total breakdown and collapse of the family. Their target is our children. Their goal is social chaos. In some cases, they have been successful. Tragically successful.

His answer is clear-eyed. He — like many of us who have been watching the rise of transgressivism in all areas of culture — recognizes that every battleground in the culture war is a spiritual battle and also a battle over the soul of the country. Cameron added: “Even if the perpetrators [transgressive ideologues] are not conscious of it, behind the scenes of the weird, woke, and wicked is the work of German political philosopher, Karl Marx, author of ‘The Communist Manifesto’: eliminate religion, break up the family, bust society as we know it; out of the disruption and disorganization will rise the opportunity to seize power to ‘fundamentally change America.’ Or as Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution recently stated, ‘Their goal is to deconstruct America.’”

Cameron describes the indoctrination of our children in these various destructive ideologies such as critical race theory, gender theory, and radical environmentalism as “moral kidnapping” and “cultural hijacking.”

He advises parents to make the culture for their families that they want to see in the world, and that all starts with returning to Christian values and following the teachings of the Bible.

Our children are being used as vulnerable pawns in a power struggle they cannot possibly fathom. It is our job to protect and fight for them. As more and more parents realize how pervasive and all-encompassing this ideological takeover has become through the public schools, public libraries, and other arenas, it should give them even more incentive to push back. Cameron’s bold reclaiming of Library Story Hour should embolden those parents looking for the normal, good, and true.

Kirk Cameron is a powerful voice in this cultural battle. He is actually going out there and leading by example, bringing hope to countless families.

(Image credit: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Altered to add caption.)